Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Preventing the turn (forechecking and intercepting)

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Pro-Club: RBNY Academy Inc

Enzo Bertolotti

Profile Summary

Enzo Bertolotti
Name: Enzo Bertolotti
City: New York City
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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To prevent the attacker on the ball from turning and attacking space forward


All thirds


1st defender (closest to the ball)


As the ball is traveling to the attacker with his or her back turned


To delay the attacker on the ball from turning, and attacking open space

Learning Outcomes:

  • If attacker has back turned and the pass hasn't reached the attacking player=FORECHECK
  • If attacker has back turned and received the ball before you arrive =PREVENT THE TURN 

  • Non-focus team will need support and reminders throughout the session

Coaching goals
  • Avoid DTMS, when checking for understanding use questions, and allow player time to answer and think about the questions. 
  • After each coaching intervention allow up to 3- 5 minutes (use stop watch) to observe for understandning.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up/Intro

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up/Intro
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Warm Up/Intro

Organization: (duration of rounds/space/teams)

  • Two teams (Attackers and defenders split evenly)
  • Two Pugg nets as targets if not enough players
  • Reciving player 12 yards from passing player, defensive player 8 yards from receiving player 
  • 40 L 20 W
  • at least 3 defenders in order to have work to rest ratio
(5 minutes)Round 1: is passive defending, defenders will look to close down the ball before the attacking player can turn (no tackling) defenders start 10 yards away
(7 minutes)Round 2: Defenders are fully opposed, they look to prevent the turn and tackle the ball defenders start 8 yards away 


  • 1 and 2 play the ball between each other until moment to play into 3
  • 1 plays to 3, as soon as pass is made by 1 defender is free
  • 3 looks to open up and play into target 4 or 5.
  • Defender looks to win ball and dribble by red line
  • 1 point for defender preventing the target being played into and 3 for recovering the ball and dribbling over red line

Coaching Interventions (how and when)

During Round 1: In the flow indivudial feedback

  • Non focus team: reminding them about ABC's (angle, body shape, checking)
  • Focus team: Speed to close distance, approach to balance.

After Round 1: Natural stoppage 

  • Its crucial we get touch tight to the attacker if back is turned engage physcial contact
  • If attacker is able to turn before closeing down the space keep distance and contain 

Coaching Points/Questions:

  • Why is preventing the attacker from turning on the ball helpful for defending?
  • Physical contact can be initiated through the fore arm to slow defender
  • Chose your tackle wisely, if ball is not exposed or sheilded dont tackle
  • If ball is slightly shown keep weight on back foot and poke tackle


  • 1&2 can playt unlimted passes between them before playing into #3


Passive defending both rounds

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Main activity

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Main activity
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Main activity

Organization: (duration of rounds/space/teams)

  • Two teams equal numbers
  • 2 puggs positioned in corners 
  • Receving attacking player starting position 5 -8 yards in front of defedning player.
Both teams attack for 5 minutes =1 roundRound 1: 1v1 no bounceRound 2: 1v1 with option to bounce and bring in second attacker to make it 2v2


  • Blue Team plays across to red - this triggers the 1v1 - Red needs to find team mate and once ball is played the attacker has 7 seconds to score. If defender wins the ball he can play to his team mate for a point.
  • The two reds then switch and the two blues switch. Same game is played. One group attacks and one group defends.

Coaching Interventions (how and when):

Before Activity: Natural stoppage

  • Refrence previous coaching points from intro. Ask players to recap the coaching points. DO NO ANSWER FOR THEM. 
  • Speak to non focus team about speed of play 

During Activity: In the flow indvidual coaching to players not active

  • Provide indivuduialized feedback based on previous rep

Coaching Points/Questions:

  • Judge the distance between you and the attacker, can you get touch tight before they turn?
  • If the attacking players brings in his teamate on the bounce, how does that affect the way you defend?


Attacking player can recycle the ball to starting player


Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 3

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 3
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Screen 3


  • 6 attackers vs 4 defednder + goal keeper
  • 5 attackers vs 3 defenders


  • Team in possession looks to create 3 passes to then play into the 9s in the recicvng zone
  • 9 can then go 2v2 
  • If defenders win the ball all restrictions are removed and defenders look to score on two counter goals 

Techinical Coaching Points:

Tactical Coaching Points:

Progressions & Regressions:

  • R: allow to defenders in 9 zone
  • P: player who makes pass into 9 can join the reciving and attacking zone 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Match

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Match
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Coaching Interventions (how and when):

Coaching Points/Questions:



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