Football/Soccer Session (Difficult): U17B Penetration

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JJ Ruane
Name: JJ Ruane
City: Chicago
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pattern Passing to Penetrate

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pattern Passing to Penetrate
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Pattern Passing to Penetrate

Pattern Passing to Penetrate

Encourage players to move ball quickly. Replicate supporting angles as the ball moves, do not be static. Strikers should recognize visual cues of when to check for the ball. Passes should be crisp and on the floor to continue a quick and realistic game tempo. Activity should be done in two touches then one touch.

Divide into two teams and see who can complete more reps per 3 minutes.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4v2 to 10v4

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4v2 to 10v4
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4v2 to 10v4

4v2 to 10v4

Blues play 4v2 against red. Blues trying to split the reds with passes, point for each split completed. If red wins the ball they play against the 4 blue. Reds have two objectives: 1) ten passes=1 pt. 2) play into red players in the middle and keep possession.

Stress to players the importance of patience both in the 4v2 and the 10v4. Move the ball quickly to unbalance and create overloads to play out the other side. Keep the game to 2 touches, one touch if possible. Be mindful of playing out of pressure and taking touches across the body. Movement off the ball and supporting angles for both teams is crucial for success of keeping the ball.

Play to 5, then switch players in and out.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3 Grid Possession to Penetrate

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3 Grid Possession to Penetrate
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3 Grid Possession to Penetrate

3 Team 3 Grid Game: Player try to make 5 passes before trying to play to furthest zone. If ball is lost , attackers become defenders and defenders become attackers. Balls must be played on the ground. Encourage keepers to use hands to stop penetrating balls.

- Ball circulation, decision making, supporting shape of team to keep possession, movement off the ball. First team to 1 wins. Best out of 5.Losers have extra training.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Penetrate the 1/3 Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Penetrate the 1/3 Game
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Penetrate the 1/3 Game

Players play 5v5 in shaded area and try to release players beyond offside lines. You can add target players in as you go (see black players). Players circulate ball until they can play a penetrating pass into a run. Play 4 minute rounds of high intensity.

- Timing of runs, circulation of ball, body position, supporting angles, overall shape-depth and width, runs that come from behind, runs off the shoulder, proper weighted balls-encourage keepers to stay on line as long as possible, close in finishing.

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