Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): Finishing & Crossing

Profile Summary

Justin Almquist
Name: Justin Almquist
City: Richland
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Juggling Warm-Up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Juggling Warm-Up
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Juggling Warm-Up (10 mins)


In a 30x40 yard grid, players working in pairs with one ball.


"Bounce Juggling Challenge". Working in pairs, partners play high ball to partner who lets ball bounce once and plays high ball back to partner. Repeat and see how many in a row can be completed.

Coaching Points:

Toe pointed. Ankle locked. Connect with ball on shoelaces.

Coaching Points:

Players try to improve their touches (suppleness, control and foot-eye coordination) by juggling with different surfaces of their feet & body.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Striking Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Striking Game
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Striking Game (10 mins)


20x20 grid with ball on cone in middle (add balls to make easier)

Teams of 2 try to knock ball off cone.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Combinations & Finishing I

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Combinations & Finishing I
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Combinations & Finishing I (10 mins)


- 5 x 5 Gates set up as shown (x2)

- 10-12 Players

- 1 Ball per group (additional on side)


- Activity always starts by Attacker between the gate checking away & back again to receive pass

- Team mate at the front off the line acts as the server & support player

(Sequence A)

- Attacker checks away & back before receiving pass. 1st touch is taken outside of gate & into wide area

- Once in wide area Attacker picks uphead & looks to cross/cut back for team mate

- Server makes run forward towards the box ready for the cut back - finish with one touch!

- Players rejoin oppsite side & wait in line

Coaching Points:

- Check on eye contact, connection & 1st touch

- Quality of pass (make sure of weight and accuracy)

- Observe position/pressure of defender

- Execution of combination; timing & speed. Whats the defenders position?

- Finshing type: Power vs Finesse?

- Observe position of goalkeeper before shooting


P - Introduce Passive Defender for Attacker to shake off & link the play around

P - Attacker that shoots can now become Defender for opposite group attacker

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Small Group Finishing

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Small Group Finishing
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Small Group Finishing (20 mins)


- 1/2 Field setup as shown

- 12 Players (8 Attackers, 4 Servers, 1 Coach/Server)

- 1 ball per server (additional on the side)


- Split the Attackers into 2 even teams & assign them colors

- 4 Servers are placed either side & around the penalty area in attacking 1/3

- On Coach command one attacker from each group runs toward goal 1v1

- As they run coach calls out a number that corresponds to server...that server plays a ball in

- Attackers aim to win possession of the ball & finish past the keeper

- As soon as goal is scored, a shot is saved or shot goes out of bounds next two attackers begin running

- After set time rotate the serving players

Coaching Points:

- Observe position/pressure of defender

- Assess flight of ball from server. Get body in correct position to; shoot or shield?

- Reaction to server. Movement off the ball; acceleration, anticipation

- Finshing type: Power vs Finesse?

- Observe position of goalkeeper before shooting


P - Coach calls 2 numbers

P - Attackers have time limit to score once ball is in play

P - Coach calls two numbers. Second number/server comes in to act as support player; combination/decoy?

P - Two attackers enter (2v2)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned Game I

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned Game I
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Conditioned Game I (20 mins)


- Penalty Area set up as shown

- 13 Players (6 Attackers, 6 Servers/Support & 1 Goalkeeper)

- 1 Ball (additional on outside with coach)


- Organize players into two teams. 6 Attackers start on inside of area (3v3) whilst 6 players act as servers

- Servers are placed around all sides of penalty area & play two touch maximum

- Coach starts game by play ball nto area. Attackers aim to win the ball & begin attacking

- Attacking team in possesion must combine with outside player before shooting at goal

- Defending team can aim to win ball back. They must in turn combine with outside players before shooting

- Play until goal is scored or ball goes out of bounds before serving in a new ball

- After set time rotate teams and servers

Coaching Points:

- Observe position/pressure of defender

- Assess flight of ball from server. Get body in correct position to; shoot or shield?

- Reaction to server. Movement off the ball; acceleration, anticipation

- Execution of combination; timing & speed. Whats the defenders position?

- Finshing type: Power vs Finesse?

- Observe position of goalkeeper before shooting


P - Attacker must finish with 1st time shot

P - Servers play one touch

P - Team who scores stays on the field. First to 10 goals wins!

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Wide Channel Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Wide Channel Game
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Wide Channel Game (20 mins)


40x30 field with corner zones. 4v4 with goalies + 2 neutrals on the wings.


4v4 game with option of playing wide to neutral players. Neutrals get 3 touches max.

Coaching Points:

Once in wide channel, drive to endline

Attackers tread water to see where cross is going


P: No neutrals, 5v5 with a wide channel. 3 second time limit.

P: Must switch field once before attacking goal.

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