Futsal Session (Junior): 7/26 - Infantil Session 06/07

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Marcos Palacios

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Marcos Palacios
Name: Marcos Palacios
City: Spring
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Futsal
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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Set Up

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Set Up
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Set Up


11:30 - 1:15 PM

Players: 10-11

Equipment: Floor markers, balls, 2 goals, pennies

Topic: Transition - Attacking


1. Warm Up - 15 Minutes

2. Technical - 20 Minutes

3. Tactical - 30 Minutes

4. Scrimmage - 40 Minutes

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): warm up

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): warm up
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warm up (10 mins)

Warm Up

10 Minutes

Set up: Two markers, ten yards apart, one marker with a 2 yard gate on each side.


1. Split into two groups, attacking and defending, A dribbles to B, A then leaves the ball for player B, A gets around marker and is now chasing player B, who is dribbling at speed towards gate.

Players rotate starting positions.

Scoring: +1 for dribbling through gate under control, +1 for winning ball off of dribbling player.

Coaching Points:

1. Dribbling at speed

2. Keeping ball under control

3. head up while dribbling

4. change of speed

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical - change of speed

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical - change of speed
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Technical - change of speed (20 mins)

Technical- Change of Speed

20 minutes

Set up:

3 Sections on court - 15 yards each

Players in pairs - 1 ball per group


1. Player A with ball, free dribble. Player B moving within same grid

On coaches command, Player B breaks into attacking 3rd, Player A passes to Player B. Player A joins Player B in attacking 3rd, and repeat going other direction. - 5 Minutes

Coaching Points:

1. Head up while dribbling

2. Communication - when and where to pass ball

3. Change of speed and direction to break out

4. weight of pass

5. type of pass/run combination


1. Place balls on defensive 3rd line - 1 ball less than number of partners (ex 4 groups, 3 balls)

On coaches command, players compete to win ball, and pass to partner in attacking 3rd.

Coaching Points:

1. quick change of speed to win ball

2. Communicate who is going to the ball, who is breaking out

3. weight of pass

Progression 2 (if time allows)

1. Same Set Up as before - now 1 ball on line per group.

On coaches command, players break out. Player A plays to Player B, Player B lays ball off to Player A to finish from Attacking 3rd. 1st team to finish on goal gets point.

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Transition Game

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Transition Game
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Transition Game (30 mins)

Transition game:

30 Minutes

Set up:

Split into 2 teams


-Team A starts with ball going to goal 1v goalkeeper

- After shot, shooting player transitions to defend team B attacking 2v1

-Team B attacks 2v1, after shot, 2 players from Team A join to make 3v2 against Team B

-Team A attacks 3v2, after shot, 2 players from Team B join to make 4v3 against Team A

-Team B attacks 4v3, after shot, 1 player joins from Team A, to make 4v4.

After shot, repeat with Team B starting with ball.

If defending player(s) wins ball, they can attack numbers down.

If ball out of bounds, Team with numbers down, adds the additional players to be numbers up.

Scoring: +1 scoring with numbers up, +2 scoring numbers down

5 Minute Games

Coaching Points:

1. attacking at speed

2. recognizing space on counter - shape of defenders body determines run

3. Isolate defender

4. Quality finishing

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Scrimmage

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Scrimmage
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Scrimmage (40 mins)

40 Minute 5v5 Scrimmage


1. Team A on limited touches for first 5 minutes. Team B unlimited touches. Example: Team A has 15 touches for the whole team before they have to shoot. Too many touches results in free kick for opposing team.

Coaching Points:

When on touch restriction - speed of transition - fast but under control

Progression: last 20 no restrictions

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