Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Defending (Team) Set Pieces:Corners

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Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Function: Defending Corners.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up
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Warm Up (15 mins)

Dynamic Warm Up

High Knees

Butt Kickers

Open/close gates


Sidde shuffle


Leg extentions

Static Stretching

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Initial Set Up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Initial Set Up
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Initial Set Up (10 mins)


Split players into two teams - 10 red (including GK) and 8 blue. Red team to play 4-2-3 formation. Blue team to play in a 1-3-3 formation. Red team to be coached. Place 3 mini goals on the half way line.


To develop players positional and tactical awareness in order to defend, and play out from, Corners.

Play starts each time with the Blue team taking a corner - alternating left and right.

Aim for the Blue team is to try to score from the corner. After the corner has been taken, they have 5 seconds in which time to score.

If the Red team gain possession, they have 10 seconds to score in any one of the mini goals.


Initial Set Up

Effect GK: GK will be observant - directing his RB/LB to mark a post each; ensuring that the CB's zonal defenceon the edge of the 6 yard box. He needs to communicate in a clear, concise and calm manner using one of three verbal commands 'Keeper's'; 'Clear'; 'Safe'.

Effect LB (2) & RB (3): LB/RB cover posts. Closest FB takes up a position just outside and just ahead (half a yard) of the post. Furthest FB positions himself on the goal line between the GK and the furthest post. They will remain in their positions until the ball is cleared out of the penalty area (subject to a short corner being taken - see below).

Effect CB's (4) & (5): Edge of the 6 yard box marking the area in front of the goal. Always goal side of the attacking player, but not ball side. They will zonal mark - pick up an opponent as required. It's up to the CB's to call upon the LMF (11) or RMF (7) or Red 6 & 8 to assist with marking if the opponents develop an overload in the area.

Effect (6) & (8): Positioned between the penalty spot and the edge of the penalty area - man2man as necessary - good communication with each other and CB's.

Effect LMF (11) and RMF (7): Depending upon which side the corner takes place, the closest LMF or RMF offers support to the defence by seeking to restict a cut back to the opponents RB or LB. Furthest LMF or RMF will position himself on the far corner of the penalty area, ready to offer support if the corner goes long, and also ready to cover any other approaching opponents players eg. Centre Back coming forward.

Effect CMF (10): Remains high half way between half way line and penalty area as an outlay for a counter attack.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): What if there's a Short Corner?

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): What if there's a Short Corner?
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What if there's a Short Corner? (15 mins)

What If There's a Short Corner?

Effect LMF (11): If there's a short corner, LMF (11) must close down as quickly as possible to try to stop the ball being crossed in. Defending principles apply - 'Quick, Slow, Sideways, Low'. Patience.

Effect (6) or (8): Is there an opportunity to cover the space previously covered by Red 11? If not, remain in situ.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): What if the Ball is Crossed into the 6 Yard Box?

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): What if the Ball is Crossed into the 6 Yard Box?
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What if the Ball is Crossed into the 6 Yard Box? (15 mins)

What if the ball is crossed into the 6 yard box?

First Priority is to get the ball away from the danger area. If the GK can't gain possession, conceding a throw in is more advantgeous than another corner - but only if possible. Better another corner than a goal. Players will have to react quickly and clear the ball without delay if under pressure.

Communication as the ball comes in is key. Clearing the ball to LMF (11); CMF (10) or CF (7) is the best outcome.

Effect GK: Can the GK claim the ball? He MUST command the Defenders 'Keeper's' 'Clear' 'Safe'

Effect LB (3): Can the LB (3) intercept and head the ball clear? If not, can he protect his post?

Effect CB's: Can they be strong and with a determination to be first to the ball?

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): What if the Corner kick is Overhit?

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): What if the Corner kick is Overhit?
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What if the Corner kick is Overhit? (15 mins)

What if the Corner Kick is Overhit?

Effect RMF (7): Can RMF (7) be first to the ball? Once in possession, can he spot a passing option to (6) or (8) or (10)? Once the pass is made, can he too head up field to support the attack.

Effect (10): Can (10) move to create a passing line? But never on the same line as Red (6) or (8) Trigger? as RMF (7) obtains possession and looks up, make a sharp run - not too soon otherwise blue defender will react and close down the space.

Effect (6) & (8): Can either or both provide support by creating an angle to receive the ball on his front foot - NB Triangle between 6,7&10.

Effect LMF (11): Needs to come infield to provide balance and support.

Effect LB/RB/CB's: CB to take control - 'OUT' - as the ball is played forward and away from the penalty area, can the Back 4 head up the pitch quickly?

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG
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SSG (20 mins)


Create a pitch full width and from 20 yards inside the opponents half to the opposite goal line.

Split players into two teams - 10 red (including GK) and 9 blue. Red team to play 4-2-3 formation. Blue team to play in 2-3-3 formation. Red team to be coached.


To develop players positional and tactical awareness in order to defend, and play out from, Corners.


Play commences with a Blue team corner. Blue team try to score from the corner. After the corner has been taken, they have 10 seconds in which time to score.

If the Red team gain possession, they have too have 10 seconds to score.


Remove the time limits to score and replace with a condition that if the red team concede a goal kick or a throw in - the goal kick or throw in is substituted with a corner.

Effect GK: GK will be observant - directing his RB/LB to mark a post each; ensuring that the CB's zonal mark in/around 6 yard box. He needs to communicate in a clear, concise and calm manner using either 'Keeper's'; 'Clear' or 'Safe'.

Effect LB (3) & RB (2): LB/RB cover posts. They will remain on the posts until the ball is cleared out of the penalty area.

Effect CB's (4) & (5): Edge of the 6 yard box marking the area in front of the goal. Always goal side of the attacking player, but not ball side. They will zonal mark but picking up an opponent and man marking as necessary. It's up to the CB's to call upon the (6) or (8) to assist with marking if the opponents develop an overload in the area.

Effect CMF (10): Positioned between edge of the penalty area and half way line.

Effect LMF (11) and RMF (7): Depending upon which side the corner takes place, the closest LMF or RMF offers support to the defence by seeking to restict a cut back to the opponents RB or LB. Furthest LMF or RMF will position himself on the far corner of the penalty area, ready to offer support if the corner goes long.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game
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Game (20 mins)



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