Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Miðvikudagurinn 17.07 2013

Profile Summary

Sigurður Sigurþórsson
Name: Sigurður Sigurþórsson
City: Reykjavík
Country: Iceland
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Upphitun.

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Upphitun.
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1. 30 x 30 m reitur

2. 8 leikmenn í hverjum hóp

3. 1 til 2 boltar í gangi í einu.


1. Senda eftir númeraröð, þar sem hver leikmaður hefur sitt númar frá einum og upp í átta.

2. Leikmenn hreyfa sig frjálst á afmörkuðu svæði, en þurfa alltaf að senda eftir númararöðinni þ.e. 1 gefur á 2 , 2 á 3 o.s.frv.

Coaching Points:

1. Getting into line with the ball

2. Assess the situation as ball travels

3. Select appropriate surface

4. Directions of touch to enable next action


1. P – Add extra ball(s)

2. R – Players have to pass the ball using hands

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Sendingar eftir lit.

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Sendingar eftir lit.
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Sendingar eftir lit.


1. 30 x 30 m reitur

2. 8 leikmenn (4 litir)

3. 2 boltar


1. All players passing and moving in the area

2. The game has three levels 1) Players can play to anyone 2) Players can not play to players who are the same color 3) Players can not play to a player who is the same color as the person they just received the ball from

3. Play for a set time limit

Coaching Points:

1. Getting into line with the ball

2. Assess the situation as ball travels

3. Select appropriate surface (Inside, Outside)

4. Withdraw surface at impact

5. Directions of touch to enable next action


1. P – Players have a 2 touch limit

2. P – Add extra balls

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 2 á 2 + 4 hlutlausir.

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 2 á 2 + 4 hlutlausir.
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2 á 2 + 4 hlutlausir.


1. 30 x 30 m reitur

2. 8 leikmenn (2 á 2 + 4 hlutlausir)

3. 1 bolti


1. Teams score by getting the ball into one of the target players

2. The target players then play back to the opposite team

3. If the ball leaves the field of play then the targets start the game again with kick in

4. Play for 2 minutes then switch target players

Coaching Points:

1. Getting into line with the ball

2. Assess the situation as ball travels

3. Select appropriate surface (Inside, Outside)

4. Withdraw surface at impact

5. Directions of touch to enable next action


1. P – Make targets specific to each team

2. P – Players are allowed 2 touch

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Langar og stuttar sendingar.

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Langar og stuttar sendingar.
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Langar og stuttar sendingar.


1. 30 x 30 m reitur

2. 8 leikmenn (4 pör), þar sem tvö pör vinna saman með 1 bolta.


1. Leikmaður A gefur stutta sendingu á B, sem leggur boltan í svæði fyrir framan A. A gefur þá langa sendingu yfir á andstætt par, sem hefur 3 snertingar til að koma boltanum aftur yfir á svæði A og B.

2. Hægt er að setja þessa æfingu upp sem keppni líkt og skallatennis, þar sem sendingar verða að vera inn í ákveðið svæði og parið þarf að nota takmarkaðar snertingar til að koma boltanum út aftur.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Spila 4 á 4 + 4 hlutlausir.

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Spila 4 á 4 + 4 hlutlausir.
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Spila 4 á 4 + 4 hlutlausir.


1. 50 x 40 yard area set up as shown

2. 14 players (4 Attackers, 4 Defenders, 4 Neutral, 2 Goalkeepers) set up as shown

3. 1 ball (Additional around the outside)


1. Teams score by getting the ball into the goal

2. Neutral players have 2 touches

3. Teams have to complete 4 passes before shooting

4. Play for a set time period then rotate players

Coaching Points:

1. Get into line with the ball

2. Assess the situation as ball travels

3. Select appropriate surface

4. Withdraw surface upon impact

5. Direction of touch to enable next action


1. P – Players have two touch limit

2. R – Add second ball to relive pressure

Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button