Futsal Session (Academy Sessions): combination game

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Paul Morrison

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Paul Morrison
Name: Paul Morrison
City: warrington
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Futsal
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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Improve playing with a numerical advantage

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Improve playing with a numerical advantage
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Improve playing with a numerical advantage (10 mins)

Session Objective: Improve playing with a numerical advantage


Group of four players,on opposite sides of pitch .Goalkeeper A serves ball to player B who receives ball in front and attacks goalkeeper C 1v1.After a save or miss,Goalkeeper C feeds ball to pink player D who attacks Goalkeeper A goal.Player B has made recovery run to defend.Continue in this format to add players until game reaches 5 v 5.Then start again.

Key Factors:

Positive attitude to attacking

Recovery runs to defend/delay

Combine with other players to both attack and defend


Look to go forward

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): To improve defending in a basic box/defending in a zonal system.

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): To improve defending in a basic box/defending in a zonal system.
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To improve defending in a basic box/defending in a zonal system. (15 mins)

Session Objective:To improve defending in a basic box/defending in a zonal system.


Yellows in defensive box.White goalkeeper a feeds player B and whites attack.They have five attempts to score.If yellow win the ball they counteract quickly to run the ball over the half-way line.Continue until whites have completed five attempts then yellows attack and white fall back to form a defensive box.

At first encourage yellow to stay in designated area to develop compactness.then take out the area for natural progression.Flat discs could also be used initially to establish starting points.

Key Factors:

Try to maintain the three defensive lines

Cut off passing lanes

Work as a team and stay zonal, not individual

Close down quickly to force opposition back

Concentrate and communicate

work in unison

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Defending in a basic box/defending in a zonal system.Wave practice.

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Defending in a basic box/defending in a zonal system.Wave practice.
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Defending in a basic box/defending in a zonal system.Wave practice. (20 mins)

Session Objective:To improve defending in a basic box/defending in a zonal system.


Yellows in defensive box.White goalkeeper feeds player and whites attack.They attack yellows who are in defensive box.Pink team at same time have created a defensive box awaiting counter attack and stay in the top half.

When whites score/lose possession yellows immediately counterattack goal defended by Pink.Whites then organise themselves in box in bottom half of pitch.When whites lose ball,pink attack yellow and so on, creating attacking waves up and down pitch.

At first encourageteams to stay in designated area to develop compactness.Then take out the area for natural progression.Flat discs could also be used initially to establish starting points.

Key Factors:

Try to maintain the three defensive lines

Cut off passing lanes

Work as a team and stay zonal, not individual

Close down quickly to force opposition back

Concentrate and communicate

work in unison

React quickly to counterattack.

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): To improve attitude and determination at end oi game.

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): To improve attitude and determination at end oi game.
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To improve attitude and determination at end oi game. (10 mins)

Session Objective:To improve reaction in final minutes of game


Simple game but when one team scores,other team have sixty seconds (counted loud by coach) to equalise.If they do,they win game.If the team in the lead holds out for minute they win.If team in lead scores a second goal they win.

Game designed to improve focus and teamwork under pressure.

Key Factors:

Try to maintain the three defensive lines if defending.

Cut off passing lanes

Work as a team and stay zonal, not individual

Close down quickly to force opposition back

Concentrate and communicate

work in unison

Opposition-move ball quickly to create openings to score.


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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button