Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Counter with overloads, 8v8 final game

Profile Summary

Nathan Mason
Name: Nathan Mason
City: Columbia
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm up Phase 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm up Phase 1
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Warm up Phase 1

Warm up Phase 1 (15min)

Organization: Set up 8-10 gates. Half players with the ball half without.

Procedure: Players with the ball dribble the ball through the gates and look to passes the ball out.

While the ball through players can performs step over scissor or roll the ball

Progression: added 2-3 defender who try to intercept the ball by thrown the bibs at the ball.

Coaching Points: Decision making whether dribble through or turn the ball. Eye contact before passes the ball. Firmed passes and mobility to find space. Received the ball for next play half turn

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Balance

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Balance
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Balance (15min)

Organization: Pair up with one ball each

Procedure: follow Balance work as below

-Both stand on one leg apart 5yds by player with the ball lean forward then sweep the ball down before thrown to partner 10 time Right and Left foot

-Hold the ball between the leg inside and behind standing foot.

-Move sidestep to hold balance and kick the ball back to partner 7 Left and 7 Right

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm up Phase 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm up Phase 2
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Warm up Phase 2

Warm up Phase 2 (20min)

Organization: Two team of 7 with Striker No.9 from each team stand on opposition teams. The resting spilt 2 groups Left and Right of the pitch on their half.

Procedure: Orange team attack 3v2 (ball served from one of the Orange) Once Attack is completed or the ball went out the two defender in the yellow make counter attack in the opposition goal. Now they can combine with their forward for a 3v2 situation against two new defender.

Each time defender break out to counter attack, two new players must take up position.

Coaching points: Aware of the spaces and player to get to opponent goal as quick as possible. Quality passes to space or front foot opponent. Provide only as much width as need. Support run.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Possession press

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Possession press
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Possession press

Possession press to counter attack (20min)

Organization: set up 42x38yds area with two mini gates and two counter attack area on the other side each Corner. Split players into two teams of 6 with 2 neutral players on each side support team in possession.

As diagram Yellow attack small gate while orange look to press to counter attack dribbling line in the middle or each corner.

Procedure: Yellow’s GK serve the ball to build up while Orange team press to counter attack Central area reward 2 points the wide one with one point.

Coaching points: Aware of the spaces and player to get to opponent goal as quick as possible. Quality passes to space or front foot opponent. Provide only as much width as need. Support run.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG
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Small side the game (20min)

Organization: 6v6 with 2 players each to provide depth next to opposition goal. Plenty of ball in each goals. No offside rules.

Procedure: Normal football rules but players look to penetrate in term of counter attack when they gain possession to support depth and set the ball back to score.

Progression: play normal 8v8 football with offside rules.

Coaching points: Aware of the spaces and player to get to opponent goal as quick as possible. Quality passes to space or front foot opponent. Provide only as much width as need. Support run.

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