Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): Active Start Session 12 U4

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Gareth Davies

Profile Summary

Gareth Davies
Name: Gareth Davies
City: Oakville
Country: Canada
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Follow The leader

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Follow The leader
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Follow The leader (10 mins)


- All Activity within 3v3 field


- Players in pairs

- Players are numbered 1 and 2

- Number 1 leads number 2 around the area. As they move around the area the Number 1 does different actions (Jog, jump, sprint, sideways, backwards) Number 2 follows the actions.

- Switch Number 1 and 2 after a short period to have Number 2 lead the activity and the movements


- Each player now has a ball and the leading player performs different skills with the ball that the following player has to attempt to copy

- Give the players a couple of ideas but also encourage creativity

Coaches Emphasis


- Creativity

- Keep the ball tight

- Players switch partners

- Both of the players have the ball and the player with the pinnie must now attempt to hit their partners ball with theirs before switching the pinnie. The ball cannot not be hit from more than 5 yards away.

Phase 2

- Players remain in pairs, one player has a pinnie tucked in the side of their shorts and a ball, the other player has no ball or pinnie

- The player with the ball must dribble with the same side foot that they have the pinnie tucked in to, the defender will attempt to steal the pinnie.

- If the pinnie is stolen the players will then switch roles

- The player without the pinnie at the end of the time will complete 10 Jumping Jacks

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Shark Tank

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Shark Tank
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Shark Tank

Dribbling/ Running with the Ball


Players spread out inside the 3v3 Field

Give each child a ball.


Explain to the players that they are all fish and the volunteer coaches are sharks. (Facilitator can also join in a be a shark). The players dribble their ball around the field while the "shark" attempts to tap the players soccer ball away. If they do so the player does a movement such as five toe taps and re-enters the game.

Progression: Parents can be sharks; Select one child to be the "shark"

Emphasis: Dribbling, heads up, shielding, being positive, and FUN!

Additional Notes: Good time to remind players that they must always try and kick the ball and not each others legs. Encourage the volunteer coaches to be sharks as well!

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Mud Monsters

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Mud Monsters
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Mud Monsters



Players spread out inside the 20 x 16 yard area.

2 players are without a ball and become the "Mud Monsters."


Facilitator allows players to express themselves, while encouraging lots of touches. Remind the players to stay within the grid (Jungle). Mud Monsters attempt to tag the dribbling player. If a player is tagged, they pick up their ball and hold it above their head and stand with their legs apart, screaming "Help Help I'm stuck in the mud" Players who are still dribbling have to free a player by passing the ball through their legs and collect the ball on the opposite side and continue dribbling.

Emphasis: Close control, lots of touches, change of pace, change of direction. FUN!

Addtional Notes: If this seems too challenging ask the volunteer coaches to be mud monsters, or even have the childrens parents play along side them.

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

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Full Screen

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