Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Fullback play

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mike sneddon
Name: mike sneddon
City: edinburgh
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1 v1s

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1 v1s
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1 v1s

Set up 2 Channels 15m x 10m with small goal at each end. Play 15mins. Stretch when waiting

Blue passes to red then moves on to pitch to defend. Red tries to take on Blue player and score. If blue wins ball rolls are reversed.

Coaching Points

Close down quickly then slow on approach.

Arms length from player

Body Shape. Low centre of gravity showing player to outside or his weak side.

Don't dive in

Jockey. Feet moving constantly

Do not cross legs. Causes loss of balance

Focus on ball

Win ball on bad touch

On winning ball Drive towards goal. keeping your body between ball and defender

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Defencive play

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Defencive play
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Defencive play


Mark out 2/3 of a full size pitch with a 'No Play zone' on one side. No Players can enter this zone. The side can be switched depending on which side of the field you want to practice defending on.

The Red (Defending Team) play 1-3-3-1 formation.

The Blue (Attacking Team) play 1-2-3-2 formation.

We are coaching the Red Team and in particular Red Left Back. Play 20 mins

Play starts from long clearance from Red Goalkeeper to Blue defender whose first touch is free.


Discuss both individual and group defending in wide positions.

For the full back pressing, in general show the attacking player outside to the touch line to isolate. May be situations where you could show inside to weaker foot or if you need support to deal with pace of attacker.

Control speed of approach so no to dive in.

Discuss angle of approach. Curved approach

Keep the feet moving whilst jockeying.

Going to ground (i.e. slide tackle) should be a last resort.

Prevent Crosses and Shoots.

Feint to tackle.

Focus. Eyes on the ball at all times.

Discuss secondary positioning of the centre backs and supporting mids.

Discuss delay, cover and support with the centre backs supporting.

Compact the play as a team and slide to the strong side of the field.

Consider that when there is transition the roles of the defenders will change and they need to adjust quickly.

Defending Midfielders should be tracking any attacking runs from midfield.

On aerial long balls players should read the play and assess the ball carriers body position. If shaping to play long the back 3 defenders should be side on and ready to drop as a unit to protect the space behind them.

Defenders should not over commit to challeneges they cannot win.

Defenders need to consider their body positioning in pressing (i.e. press with bias to one side, how tight they want to mark, weight over the front foot).

When acting as a supporting defender, consider lines of cover and balance in relation to the player pressing the ball and other team mates.

The outside backs can feint to tackle forcing the ball carrier to look down.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Supporting Attack

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Supporting Attack
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Supporting Attack

2/3 Field (25mins).

• 16 (15+Gk)

• Mark out 2/3 of a full size pitch as on diagram. Prepare min. 4 spare balls. The teams play in specific


Attacking team:

1. 8 players (blue)

2. 1-4-3 formation

3. After losing possession team defends two small goals and tries to regain the ball as soon as possible.

Defending team:

1. 7 players (red) + goalkeeper

2. 1-4-3 formation

Working on 2 scenarios

A- Receiving into free space

Trigger for overlap is wide midfield player moves infield to create space in wide area

Centre Mid recognizes free space, checks fullbacks movement and plays quick pass into space.

B- Support wide midfielder in Possession

Fullback recognizes the right moment (space behind midfielder to run into) and makes an overlap run to support winger in possession. Communication between Fullback and Wide Midfield must be clear and precise

Coaching Points

Recognize where is the ball, teammates and opponents

Look for the space in front of you to run into

Anticipate when the ball will come to your side (recognize switching play) / when the support in front of the ball for the winger in possession is needed

Track winger movements – recognize when he will create space for the full-back to run into / use your own initiative and create space

Communicate with wingers and other players “go away” “play” “go inside” etc. Make a quick run – speed and courage

Be confident about your decision

Ask for the ball - loud and clear

Body position to receive into space

Look for the end product (cross/pass/shoot)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): phase of play

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): phase of play
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phase of play

Set Up

2/3 of pitch

Shape Reds 1-4-2-1 Blue 2-4-2

Coach Red fullback in themes established during session

Coach Red Fullback using themes established during session

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

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