Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): U10 Pre-Season Passing Skills Session

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Mike Hays

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Mike Hays
Name: Mike Hays
City: Belton
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Coerver Warmup/Skills

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Coerver Warmup/Skills
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Coerver Warmup/Skills (15 mins)

Organization: Coever Warmup and Skills Development


-Inside Roll

-Outside Roll

-Toe Push

-Heel Toe Roll

-Bell Touches

-Toe Taps

-inside/outside rollovers

-V push pull

Change of Directon Moves


-Matthews (V pull instep push)

-Drag Push

-Pull Back

-Toe push on the move

-Twist Out

-Inside Chop


Coaching Points:

-Use of change of speed/Accelleration on dribble and out of move

-Ask questions to get players to "self-diagnose" what they could be doing to improve on moves

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pass Lanes Technique

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pass Lanes Technique
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Pass Lanes Technique (15 mins)

Organization: Three cones in a line. Two players at each cone facing eachother

First varation - Volley Skills - Players 10 yards apart throw ball to facing player who volleys ball back with right foot 10 time sand left foot 10 times. Alternate Players

Second Variation - Passing . Far players move back and forth on the far cone passing and receiving the ball. Alternate players

Coaching Points - Passing

-Pass through the player, not to the player (no baby passes)

-Focus on accuracy (plant foot and hips poited at target.

-keep ball on ground

-Use instep not toes and lock ankle

Coaching Points - Receiving

Receive the ball first before making a pass

watch the ball onto your foot

Ask for ball

Recieve ball on back foot

Point your receiving foot up

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pressure Cover Rondo

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pressure Cover Rondo
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Pressure Cover Rondo (20 mins)

Organization: Large Circle wih players on the outside and single cone on inside. Two players on the inside. Adjust circle size based upon technique of players


Players in the middle use pressure cover technique to win the ball back. Once they do they push the ball out and return to red cone for restart.

Players on outside move the ball around and try to split players in the middle

Coaching Points (pressure)

Overall - prevent getting split and keep ball moving side to side

Pressure Person - close at angle, close quickly

Cover Person- Stay Tight to Pressure Person, Read angle of pressure person

Coaching Points (passers)

-move ball away from pressure

Add a goal (large with GK or small unattended) and ask players to sequence through thought processes

1) Can I shoot?

2) Can I pass to someone to shoot?

3) Can I "reset"

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pressure Cover v 3 defenders

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pressure Cover v 3 defenders
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Pressure Cover v 3 defenders (15 mins)

Organization: Half Field

Variation 1: Have a coach GK, with three defenders. GK passes to defender. Using technique only, center forward and two wide mids close on players. Defender passes back to GK, and forward and two wide mids retreat to tight position. Repeat

Variation 2: Play live from back. Defenders and keeper try ot pass to goals (which represent midfiedlders) Forwardsd try to win ball and score (high press)

Coaching Points:

Close quickly/sprint

Cut off downfield passing lanes

Tuirn the player inside to your support

Side on/Surfboard

Come in at angle

Come in Low

Recover and dont quit

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3 zone scrimmage

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3 zone scrimmage
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3 zone scrimmage (20 mins)


Three zone field. Set teams up with GK and and a 3-3-1 formation

Goal #1: Get players to move ball across zones using passing

Goall #2: Goal is to get forwards to involve other players in the offensive game.


Players cannot dribble into next zone - they must pass

Players cannot pass across zones - they can only play into the next zone

GK cannot pass across zones, must "play out of the back

Players cannot leave a zone unless they get a pass back into that zone


1 point for getting a player into the offensive zone

2 ponts for a goal

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button