Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Boys U10 ADP Combination Attacking 2vs2 to possible 3vs2 week 2 at Pine Glen (Start Time: 2019-02-27 18:00:00)

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Eddy Berdusco

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Eddy Berdusco
Name: Eddy Berdusco
City: oakville
Country: Canada
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Boys U10 ADP combination attacking 2vs2 to 3vs2

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up
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Warm Up (5 mins)

Warm Up

- 1vs1

-players spread out on field dribbling the ball around.

-coach calls out a player, and that player does a combination with the coach for a 1 time finish.

- After 1 repetition (each player goes), dynamic movement; heels up, knees up etc. Coach will call out players name again


- if the defender wins the ball he now keeps the ball and dribbles around area.

Coaching points-

-close control, dribble with the laces

- change of speed and direction, head up

- quality pass

-finish with authority

-laces, middle of the ball

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game phase

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game phase
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Game phase (10 mins)

Set up

- half field, with a 7 yards zone on each end for the striker


-play game looking to play the ball into the striker

-when the ball is played into the striker the midfielder who played the pass in can join in along with the opposite midfielder

-giving the striker 2 options to combine with

-trying to finish with a one time finish if possible

Coaching Points

- Looking for support off of the ball:

- Limit the touches on the ball

- look for quick passes

- Getting into open space

- join into the final third quickly to support striker

-stiker constantly moving

Switch the defenders/attackers after 3 minutes

- Communication

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Analytical 2vs2 attacking

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Analytical 2vs2 attacking
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Analytical 2vs2 attacking (15 mins)


- 20 top to bottom x 30 side to side


- 2 teams lined up as shown.

-coach will call out a colour cone, players have a short lateral movement to touch colour cone before sprinting in to get the ball.

- Coach rolls ball in to the player who comes out first

- 1st player to the ball is looking to play into the attackers feet on the opposite side of the field they are on.

- Play 2v2 to goal using goals A and B.

- If defending team wins the ball they can score by passing into goals C and D.

- Game restarts as shown by switching roles and start cones.


- if the first pass forward is not on, they can play the ball back to player in own half to start attack

Porgression 2-

- have the 3rd attcker also join in to create 3vs2

Coaching Points

- Quickly support off of the ball:

- Limit the touches on the ball - look for quick passes

- Getting into open space to receive the ball

- change of speed and direction

- communication

-looking for combination in the final third

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG
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SSG (20 mins)


- Let the boys play

- focusing on attacking situations - 2vs1, 1vs1

- Quick passes/less touches

- Quickly moving into open space to support

- players always moving

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Cool down

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Cool down
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Cool down (5 mins)

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