Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Boys 01-02 DA Training - Technical Work - 23Feb16 (Start Time: 2016-02-23 18:30:00)

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Pro-Club: Prince William Soccer

Michael Cullina

Profile Summary

Michael Cullina
Name: Michael Cullina
City: Fairfax, VA
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical Dynamic

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical Dynamic
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Technical Dynamic (25 mins)

Technical Dynamic

Organization: 4 players in each channel (10x5 yards) with two active and two servers.

Duration: 60-75 seconds per rep

Activity: Each player performs activity on each foot concurrently and switch sides with prescribed dynamic movement.

Technical List:

- Soft toss: inside foot | laces | thight-foot | half-volley

- Pass: Inside foot | Inside-inside | Outside-inside | Inside-Outside

- One touch only (all four players)

Dynamic Movements: hip in | hip out | knee up | half kick | quad raises | hamstring walks | calves

Coaching Points

Proper under-hand service | Technical - locked ankle, hips square, follow through | Complete skill before turning

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Set-Pass

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Set-Pass
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Set-Pass (5 mins)


Organization: 4 players in each channel (10x5 yards) with a pair of players on each side

Play starts with pass from Player A to Player B. Player A holds run until Players B returns ball to Player A. Player A plays back to Player B. Player B passes long to Player C. Switch sides.


Organization: 4 players in each channel (10x5 yards) with a pair of players on each side

All 1 touch. Play starts with pass from Player 1 to Player 2. Player 2 sets the ball and pulls to the side. Player 3 comes forward and passes to Player 1. Player 1 sets for Player 4. Player 4 passes to Player 2...

Coaching Points

Technical passing - plant foot, locked ankle, follow through, weight of pass | Rythym

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 2+2v2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 2+2v2
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2+2v2 (15 mins)


Organization: 12x12 square. 2v2 on inside with teammates on opposite corners. 5 passes = 1 point

Duration: 90 second games. Active players move to outside teammates

Coaching Points

Individual shape (open to field) | Angle/distance of support | Rythym of possession | Look to break lines (split defenders)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 8v8

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 8v8
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8v8 (30 mins)

8v8 Free play

Red team organized 3-2-2. Blue team organized 3-1-3

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Twin Striker Shooting Patterns

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Twin Striker Shooting Patterns
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Twin Striker Shooting Patterns (15 mins)

Twin Striker Shooting Patterns

Organization: Two mannaquins set 20 & 30 yards from goal. Play starts with opposite movement from strikers.

Activity 1: Player 8 passes to lowest player (10). Player 10 sets opposite to Player 8 and spins away. Player 8 splits defenders to player 10. Rotation: 8 to 9. 9 to 10. 10 to 8.

Activity 2: Player 8 passes to highest player (9). Underneath player (10) spins toward ball. Player 9 sets Player 10 for one touch shot. Player 9 moves to 10. Rotation: 8 to 9. 9 to 10. 10 to 8.

Activity 3: Player 8 passes to highest player (9). Underneath player (10) spins away from ball and runs between defenders. Player 9 sets Player 10 for one touch shot. Player 9 moves to 10. Rotation: 8 to 9. 9 to 10. 10 to 8.

Coaching Points

Timing of movement | Accuracy/weight of pass | Shooting technique - plant foot, locked ankle, follow through

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