Vojvodina - Proleter 2:1 (1:0)

Profile Summary

Boris Nadj
Name: Boris Nadj
City: Novi Sad
Country: Serbia
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Period 1

Formation: Our Team: 4-2-3-1 |Opposition Team: 4-2-3-1

Team List

Our Team (Home)

Num Player Name Main Position Goals Game Time (mins)
1 Zakula Goalkeeper
4 ivanic Number 10
7 Meleg Winger
8 Puskaric Centre-back
10 Palocevic Mid-fielder
11 Vukcevic Winger
12 Peric Goalkeeper
13 Pankov Centre-back
14 Lakicevic Full-back
15 Nastic Full-back
16 Babic Winger
17 Jovancic Mid-fielder
19 Rosic Centre-back
20 Antic Full-back
21 Kovacevic Mid-fielder
22 Malbasic Winger
23 Milinkovic Full-back
24 Sekulic Mid-fielder
27 Pavkov Centre-forward
28 Maksimovic Mid-fielder
32 Kordic Goalkeeper
33 Miletic Centre-back
34 Micic Mid-fielder
35 Stamenic Winger
36 Trujic Winger
37 Zlicic Number 10
38 Meri Centre-forward
38 Djurisic Striker
39 Curko Centre-forward
51 Ozegovic Centre-forward

Opposition Team (Away)

Num Player Name Main Position Goals Game Time (mins)

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