Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Passing & Receiving -under review

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Mark Purcell
Name: Mark Purcell
City: Comox
Country: Canada
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activator/Warm-up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activator/Warm-up
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Large area, with squre set up in middle as shown


Players start with out a ball, each player is running around trying to avoid being hit by a pass below the knees by the player who is it, the tagger. If a player is hit by the tagger they retrieve a ball from the center square and also become a tagger. The object is to be the last one left without a ball.

Coaching Points:

• Use of body to disguise which way you are passing

• Use of different surfaces to disguise where you are going to pass

• Awareness of where one wants to play pass before make it

• Technique of different deceptions


P-players not allowed to jump to avoid a ball

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Unopposed

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Unopposed
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1st 2 players in the rotation start with a ball each

Pass line markers splitting area


Player with ball dribbles to marker line before making pass as shown in diagrams, then goes to back of line again as shown in diagram .

When next players recieve ball they start the next phase of the same rotation.

A - dipicts activity that could be used to ask players to pass with outside of foot

B - dipicts activity that could be used to ask players to play a reverse pass

Coaching Points:

• Use of body to disguise which way you are passing

• Use of different surfaces to disguise where you are going to pass

• Awareness of where one wants to play pass before make it

• Technique of different deceptions


Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Semi-Opposed

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Semi-Opposed
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Players in pairs

1 ball per pair

Central cone acting as defender in each section


Player with ball dribbles at obstacle before passing ball to partner who has made a supporting run, pass is made with the outside of the foot. In part A, player 1 drives straight to the cone directly in frnt of them, they then play a diagonal pass to player 2 who is making a straight run. they recive pass and dribble over end line with partner doing the same of both whom go to the back of the rotation at that end line.


Player 1 drives centrally to the obstacle, player 2 then performs an overlap to recieve the ball into the open space.

As a pair dribble ball over end line, the pair waiting at that end line repeat / restart the rotation in opposite direction.

Add a goal to the endline or make this into a race

Coaching Points:

Use of body to disguise which way you are passing

Use of different surfaces to disguise where you are going to pass Awareness of where want to play pass before make it

Technique of different deceptions


Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Fully-Opposed

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Fully-Opposed
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Players in pairs

Activities set up as shown in diagram

2 pugg goals for attackers to score in

1 pugg goal on opposite end line for defenders to counter attack


Defensive marker line


Activity starts with pass from a player from what will be the

defending pair.

When player from attacking pair receives ball, the player who

played the pass can apply full pressure on attacker and the

defenders partner can step into the defensive zone behind the

markers to block the goals when needed.

Attackers try to score in either goal.

1st defender can go anywhere in section, 2nd defender can only

stay in zone behind markers (unless defenders have possession

of ball).

If defenders win ball they can counter attack 2v2 (2nd defender can now leave zone). Play is over when a goal is scored or ball goes out.

Defenders become attackers, attackers go to back of defensive line rotation.

Activity repeats

Coaching Points:

Use of body to disguise which way you are passing

Use of different surfaces to disguise where you are going to pass

Awareness of where want to play pass before make it

Technique of different deceptions


Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned Game
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Conditioned Game


Players divided into 2 teams


One team plays N-S the other team plays E-W, The team gets a point by playing to one neutral to set the direction and scoring by then playing to the other neutral, every time a neutral is played to the passing player must switch position with the neutral player. When ball goes out of play, coach restarts play.

Coaching Points:

Use of body to disguise which way you are passing

Use of different surfaces to disguise where you are going to pass

Awareness of where want to play pass before make it

Technique of different deceptions

Can you fake a pass into a team mate in middle of field to open up passing lane to target team mate to score?


Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 6

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 6
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Screen 6


Players divided into 4 teams.


Tournament/Small sided games-Each player trying to apply lessons fromt he session.

Coaching Points:


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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

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Back/Forward: Drag timeline button