Football/Soccer Session (Advanced): Switching Play Through Midfield

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Am-Club: Highland Football Club

Hasani McKenzie

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Hasani McKenzie
Name: Hasani McKenzie
City: Asheville
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical Activity

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical Activity
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Technical Activity (15 mins)

Set up: 

  • Use an area 30*30 set up as shown in the diagram 
  • The players are split into four groups, one in each corner of the pitch. Each corner also features two poles, two cones and a mannequin facing inwards.
  • The coach gives the players different technical actions to complete, as well as preparing the players physically for the session. The technical actions are as follows, each of which is shown in the diagram.
  • Technical action 1: The first player dribbles through the cones in front of the central mannequins, turns and passes to the next player in the queue. The receiving player must make a movement before receiving.
  • Technical action 2: The player dribbles the ball to the mannequin, performs a hook turn with the outside of their foot, and then passes to the next player.
  • Technical action 3: The player dribbles the ball to the mannequin before doing an inside chop, then passes to the next player. Once they have passed, they will make an angle to receive a bounce pass from the receiving player before playing back to them (complete a give & go around the pole).
  • Technical action 4: Players dribble to the mannequin before completing any turn or skill they like. They will then pass the ball to the next player and join the back of the queue.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical Activity 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical Activity 2
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Technical Activity 2 (15 mins)

Set up: 

  • Use an area 30*30 set up as shown in the diagram 
  • The players circulate the balls around the playing area.
  • The receiving player should make a movement towards the passer, taking a first touch on their back foot, through the poles, before making the next pass.
  • After each pass has been played, the players must make a sharp run to join the back of the group in the direction they have passed. This is shown in the diagram.
  • Players should complete this passing pattern in both directions. 
  • They will also complete a series of dynamic stretches in between working blocks.
  • Each working block lasts one minute.

PROGRESSION 1The players complete the same passing pattern. This time, after they have played their pass, they should run around the pole that they played their pass towards, then continue running to the corner diagonally opposite their starting position.

PROGRESSION 2 - Once a pass has been made, the players run around the pole the pass has been made towards, before sprinting back to their initial starting position to receive and pass again.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 5v5+5

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 5v5+5
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5v5+5 (20 mins)

Set Up:

  • This themed possession practice focuses on switching play away from pressure.
  • The pitch has wide channels marked out on either side. There are also two mini-goals at either end, set back from the playing area.
  • Players are split into two teams of five, plus five neutral (black in diagram), who play for the team in possession.
  • Two of the neutral players are fixed in the wide channels, with the other three operating as a midfield three in the central part of the pitch.
  • The team in possession, with the neutral players, can be encouraged to work roughly in a 3-5-2 shape (preference based on team system/game model)
  • Both teams should attempt to accumulate 10 consecutive passes, or switch play from one neutral player in a wide area to the other, in order to score a goal.


  • The practice progresses by having one designated in-possession team and one pressing team.
  • The in-possession team will have the same goalscoring conditions as when the practice started.
  • The pressing team will be looking to win possession and score in any of the four mini-goals.
  • After each working block, the teams switch roles.
Coaching Points:
    • As play progresses, the players in the central area must time their movements to receive the ball as they arrive into space.
    • Making quick, sharp movements as the passer takes their first touch will make it more difficult to defend and help create space.
    • The player furthest away from the ball is encouraged to stay away from possession and find space in pockets, to offer passing angles.
    • This will create the chance to switch play with a limited amount of passes if this player is found.
    • When possession is won, the players closest to the ball should initially look to play short passes.
    • This will give time for the other players to open the pitch, to offer alternative passing angles that may create a switching chance.
  • DRAWING IN PRESSUR - Combining quickly in small spaces will draw defenders in and create space to switch, using one or two passes.
  • BALL SPEED - The coach should place a big emphasis on ball speed. The players must pass with the appropriate ball speed in order to keep the ball away from the opposition. Passes should be punched in.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 7v7+2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 7v7+2
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7v7+2 (25 mins)

Set up:

  • This 7v7 (including goalkeepers) plus two neutral wide players is a themed game played on a pitch measuring 80 yards by 65 yards, with two wide channels and full-sized goals at each end.
  • The halfway line acts as an offside line.
  • Both teams will be trying to score, playing within normal football conditions.
  • If the attacking team switches play from one neutral player to the other before scoring, the goal will count double. 
Coaching Points:

    • Players should be conscious of their timing into the space or pockets in between lines.
    • They should arrive to take their first touch as the ball is travelling to ensure they are not stood still waiting for the ball.
  • SOFT TOUCH - When playing in one touch, setting the ball for a teammate, players should use soft touches. These will allow the receiving player to have the option of playing with one touch, or travelling with the ball.
  • REVERSED & DISGUISED PASSES - When the players attempt to progress possession, using disguise to play forward, through the lines, will make it more difficult for the defending team to read play..
    • The coach should place a big emphasis on the importance of the players’ body shape to receive.
    • Receiving with an open body, in space, will create chances to switch play quickly.
  • SUPPORT FROM BENEATH - When the ball is in the wide areas, the nearest midfield player or nearest centre-back should offer a passing angle from deeper than the ball in order to recycle and switch possession

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