Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): RDP Week Winter

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Jeremy Williams

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Jeremy Williams
Name: Jeremy Williams
City: Palo Alto, CA
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Attacking 2v1 Learning Outcomes

oDriving at defender (commit them)

oObservation of defender’s position! What are they giving you?

oBlocking the path ahead – play support player

oTechnical application – outside of foot (better angle of pass) keeps out of defenders radius

oDisguise pass (outside, no look, body fake)

oDefenders body shape? Flat, then nutmeg is on

oCovering half and half – Pass or move?

oIf passing then it’s a straight pass (toe) with a diagonal run (depending on space in behind defender)

oMove – look to attack defenders front foot to off balance them (see moves)

oMovement of support player, Overlap?

oIs the dribbling player dictating the movement or is the support player?!

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Y-Pasing

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Y-Pasing
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Y-Pasing (15 mins)


4 Cones in a Y shape

about 10 yards apart (distance depends on learning outcomes)


1) Player A initiates play by first touch off of the central cone, player A passes to the back foot of player B, Player B takes a first touch to break the line of the cone and passes to the player they are facing. Player A follows their pass and must check their shoulder to find which cone has the open player (should be which ever player didnt recieve the ball from the previous rotation)

Coaching Points:

1) Quality of check

2) Communication

3) Quality of pass

4) Direction and weight of return pass

5) Quick movement to receive the ball back again


Add combinations as needed-

For example:

Player A passes to Player B

Player B sets back for Player A,

Player A then passes to Player C,

Player C passes back to Player B,

Player B plays into space for Player C,

The rotation always remains the same.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Semi/Fully Opposed

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Semi/Fully Opposed
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Semi/Fully Opposed (25 mins)


-Two lines of equal numbers.

-10 x 15 Yard Area.


• All players start in a line in the center (See diagram on left)

• Player A takes a touch to either side which is the cue for all other players to move,

-player B middle player, moves opposite of player A's touch,

-player C, most advanced player, moves the same direction as player A's first touch.

• Player A, then plays a pass to the back foot of player B

• On C's first touch A becomes a passive defender and applies pressure to C.

• C beats A by combining with B using a give and go

• Rotation: A to B, B to C, C to A.

Coaching Points:

1) Quality of check

2) Communication

3) Quality of pass

4) Recieving with the back foot

5) Drive at defender's front foot

6) Keep ball close, touch on every step

7) Play late as possible with outside foot

8) Direction and weight of return pass

9) Quick movement to receive the ball back again


- Defender is live. Play 2v1 to endlines. Keep score and play a league table format.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Fully Opposed 2v1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Fully Opposed 2v1
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Fully Opposed 2v1 (20 mins)



Same as previous activity, except now the Defender is fully live. Defender at first can score two points if they are able to win the ball in their attacking half (encourage defender to win ball in the far half)

Coaching Points:

1) locking ankle, opening up foot on pass.

2) Opening up of hips prior to and/or while receiving.

3) Use of front/forward/far foot.

4) Play across your teammates body and away from pressure.

5) Weight and angle of pass.

6) Eyes up and looking over field.

7) Orientation of first touch.

8) Changing speed to check and the supporting run.

9) Changing speed after pass

10) Time runs to avoid offsides.

11) Defending posture. Take away one ooption. Keep ball in front of you. Keep play in fornt of you.


High Press-- Ball played straight down line and defender close

- Defender plays the ball anywhere.

- Include a delayed second defender who is initiated once first

- Add a second grid for an additional 1v1 or 2v1

Coaching Points:

- locking ankle, opening up foot on pass.

- turning of hips while receiving.

- Use of front/forward/far foot.

- Play across your teammates body and awayfrom pressure.

- Speed of play.

- Ready body posture, hips open to field, and support angle.

- Weight and angle of pass.

- Eyes up and looking over field.

- Orientation of first touch.

- Communication.

- Changing speed to check and the supporting run.

- Changing speed after pass

- Clear lane for your teamate

- Create a clear passing line.

- Reading ball pressure (ball to goal vs. ball to teammate open and closed.

- Hide the ball when pressure is high.

- Use of fakes.

- Time runs to avoid offsides.

- Defending posture. Take away one ooption. Keep ball in front of you. Keep playinfornt of you.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Flying Changes

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Flying Changes
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Flying Changes (20 mins)

Objective:Small sided game to create various attacking and defending situations.

Equipment: two(2) goals, two (2) different color cones, balls, and (2) different color bibs.

Organization:Two teams set up across from eachother, each team with half the balls. Grid size depends on age/ level/ and objective. Teams play 2v2, with aim of scoring in the large goal. When a ball goes over the endline (either for a goal or a missed shot) the team defending that end line is out, and a new group of 2 comes in, team coming in always starts with the ball. The player that missed the shot or hit the bad pass resulting in the change has to touch the goal they were shooting on before defending.


1) If team scores, the same rotation takes place except the team that scored gets a ball played into them by their teammates waiting in line.

2) Have an all time target. (#9)

Coaching Points:

- Create passing and combination options for your teammate. - Create 2v1 situations by beating a player 1v1.

- Look to score.

- Read ball pressure.

- Head up and look.

- Use a variety of fakes and passes

- Defensive priniciples.

- Coaching points really depend on the topic for your session.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm-Up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm-Up
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Warm-Up (20 mins)


• Playing area as shown about 30 x 30

• Players divided into 3 teams of equal numbers

• Players on th inside of the area have a ball


- One team on outside two teams in the middle, all players in the middle have a ball

- Each player in the middle dribbles, they then pass to one of the outside players who passes back to them [3 progressions]

A) Progression 1-inside player passes to outside player and spins off to find a new angle, outside

player plays into space

B) Progression 2-Inside player passes to outside player and continues run, outside player passes

back with one touch (give and go)

C) Progression 3-Inside player passes to outside player, overlaps and recives back in thezone

Coaching Points:

1) Body shape when recieving the ball

2) Quality of pass

3) Quality of movement off the ball


Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Scrimmage

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Scrimmage
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Small sided game-Coaching points should focus on the ability to create and take advantge over overloads.

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

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Back/Forward: Drag timeline button