Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): SAB - SPEED AGILITY BALANCE (Start Time: 2016-03-05 09:10:00)

Profile Summary

gregor campbell
Name: gregor campbell
City: Glasgow
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Speed and agility warm up non ball - design for getting multiplr repeates of movement

Can be continuous rotation or set for period then move on ( preference whne small kids)

Keep the kids moving continuosly - One coach set off kids - be aware of equipment - One coach concentrate on quality of excercise - Stop them as they go past and advise before they return to line.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 1
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Screen 1

Set up Normal pitches then between half way and the space set up the circuits disctance 10metres - leeave room for kids to rotate OFF at END to the LEFT. Demonstrate LEFT - encourage not to bump into others.

WHITE - Balance side to side - Coaching points - exagerated movement - big steps round conse quick feet between - on toes - arms out, knees bent , feet appart . AIm to get nice flow and extension steady first couple of times concentrate on improving quality.

GREEN - Two feet together jump ( hard for most kids ) try and keep both feet together ( if they struggle they can have a bounce in between - toes , Knees bend on landing to help spring up (use arms to help launch yourself) Aim for quality - NOTE lots of resetting hurdles required - adjust disctances about two feet for kids will work

BLUE - side steps ( two feet in each gap - facing up park - for horizontal ) alternate facing for vertical - Coaches concentrate on quiality first speed second

RED - quick in out ( unlike white ) sharp left right leftquick change of direction , try and use peripheral vision ( head up ) but start with concentrating on quality - Encourage Burst to end -

Note try and relate all these excercise to football requirements

Changes of direction - get by defenders, Jumps - up and header, win ball in the air jump over a tackle, Side to side - quick adjustment to get a ball facing the game , sguffle quickly acroos to defend , alwyas ready, , speed ladders develop power for fast accelerations - we burst to the end to get through defense , win ball etc -

If there are enough coaches and you want a goal - I would put this at the end of the red and white line - speed and burst to get ball and score -make sur there are fetchers and enough balls

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