Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): U9/10 Winter Skill Centre - Session #17 (Last Winter SC Session) (Start Time: 2024-02-26 17:15:00)

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Am-Club: West Ottawa Soccer Club

Cale England

Profile Summary

Cale England
Name: Cale England
City: Kanata
Country: Canada
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Physical Literacy - Tic Tac Toe

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Physical Literacy - Tic Tac Toe
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Physical Literacy - Tic Tac Toe (15 mins)

Set Up: 

13 cones (9 of 1 colour, 4 of another colour) needed per grid (two 4x4 yard grids each divided into four 2x2 yard boxes). 

2 grids - 6 Players per grid (3v3) = 12 Players.

Each team get's 3 pinnies, different colour for each team.


Line starts at the yellow cone. 1st player in each line sprints to the Tic Toe Board (9 red cones as seen in image) and places their pinny on a cone then sprints back and tags their partner. Process continues until a team get's three in a row. Once all the bib's have been placed on the board, players can only move one of their teams bib's.


Introduce Soccer specific movements: Side shuffle to yellow cone and back, karaoke to yellow cone, etc. Ball at your feet, etc.



Being Safe






Change of Direction




Peer interaction

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical (Unopposed) - Ladder Juggling

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical (Unopposed) - Ladder Juggling
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Technical (Unopposed) - Ladder Juggling (15 mins)

Ladder Juggling

•Have the group get into groups of 3 with 1 ball for the group.

•1 player has the ball while the other 2 are one behind the other and facing the player with the ball

•The ball is tossed to the player facing and has to be sent back to the thrower with the laces. If the player catches the ball without it hitting the ground then they get a point. The player who did the kick follows and takes the ball. The thrower goes behind the non active player and the rotation continues.

•This goes for 1 minute and the group with the most points wins. Have the winning group go to the “top of the ladder” and descend based on their scores with some form of exercise for each rung of the ladder below the winner.

•Do another juggling skill for 1 minute and continue the process. Players can be asked to control with thigh and send back with laces, control with chest back pass back, send it back straight with the head and any combination of those that the coach would like to try.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical (Unopposed) - Lightning ⚡

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical (Unopposed) - Lightning ⚡
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Technical (Unopposed) - Lightning ⚡ (15 mins)

Lightning ⚡

Players line up behind the cone, one player in net. Coach has all the balls next to the net. 

1. Coach plays the ball in and player takes a shot first time.

2. If the player scores they go to the back of the line and the keeper is out (waits behind the net). If the player misses the target or the keeper saves, that player is now in net.

3. The game continues until there is one player remaining. When a player is out and waiting behind the net, they can catch the ball off a missed shot to get back in (can't hit the ground).

* As soon as the players understand the game, pick up the pace.

* If the ball hits the crossbar, everyone is back in.

* Have players who are out collect balls to get back in ex. "Bring me three balls and you're back in!"

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Free Game - 5v5 or 6v6

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Free Game - 5v5 or 6v6
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Free Game - 5v5 or 6v6 (15 mins)

Free game. Do your best to not intervene.

*Keep it Competitive! Play mini games, losing team has to; run, do burpees, sit-ups, push-ups, etc. Winning team does half the exercise. Change the teams up if things are one sided.

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