Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): B Licence session 1

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Pro-Club: Cefn Druids AFC

Robert Hughes

Profile Summary

Robert Hughes
Name: Robert Hughes
City: Ruthin
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Full Session ( General Play )

Warm up Activation


Wave Game


Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 1
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Screen 1 (20 mins)

Passing Warm up Activation Drill ( Player recieving ball on back foot ( HALF TURN ) to play forward.

20x20 Playing area divided into 2x10x10 boxes ( Can be adapted to suit number of players )

1. Red player on outside starts by passing ballinto to Blue Central Player ( Positioned in between the red cones- Player to remain between these cones for duration of drill )

. Blue Player's initial movement showing to recieve pass facing Red player indicating ball into feet with hands.

. Can Central Player alternate which foot ball is recieved with and passed

. Can Central Player recieve ball and pass in 2 steps ( Movements )

2. On Recieving ball Blue player to recieve ball with back foot ( Left or Right ) on the Half turn, shoulders in line with Red players on the outside.

Player then passes to opposite Red player with opposite foot ( If Recieved with Left then passes with Right )

Drill is repeated 6 times then players rotate.

Coaching Points

. Quality of Passes&Control

. Player intially recieving ball square to target indicating ball into feet

. Player recieving ball on half turn ( Back Foot ) in correct position ( Side on, shoulders inline with outside players, not recieving ball square on.)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 2
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Screen 2 (20 mins)



. Introduction of 2 x passive Defenders Moving from Outside/Inside Applying visual Pressure on Central Player when Receiving Ball.

. Passive players to work as a pair so that Both players are not arriving centrally at the same time.

. Central player now has to check shoulder so that when receiving ball on Half Turn, his body shape is correct and is protecting the ball from the passive runner, ( Is not turning into the direction of the runner )

Drill continues as before with Players Rotating after 6 sets.

Coaching Points

. Is central player checking shoulder before recieving ball

. Is Central Player Protecting Ball from runner, turning right way not into runner

. With the added Pressure is central player's body position correct recieving ball on half turn

. Can outside players pass ball to the safe side of central player observing timing of passive runners

. Make sure quality of passing and control doesn't regress with the introduction of runners.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 3

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 3
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Screen 3 (20 mins)

MDG Posssession/ switching Play

30x20 Playing Area

4v4+3 Neutral Players ( Yellow )

4x3 minute Games with2 mins Rest inbetween


Teams to keep possession and switch play from 1 zone to the other to score a point

Central Floater plays on team with possession

Both teams to start with ball each in unopposed practice and discover different ways to switch play.


. If team in possession is successful in switching play from 1 zone to the other, they can attempt to score a goal in either of the 2 goals either side of picth. ( If opposing team regains ball they then revert to the game principles )

. Neutral Players can be restricted to number of touches to encourage better movement off the ball from team in possession.

. 1 player from each team must remain in 1 half of the pitch

. Team not in possession must press the ball to create realism

Coaching Points

. Width and Depth when in Possession

. Movement to create space off the ball

. Body position when recieving ball

. Look to play forward

. Speed of switch in play ( can it be done with minimal number of passes )

. Quality of passing, weight of pass, into space

. Coach to work with one team in opposed part of game

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 4

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 4
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Screen 4 (20 mins)

Creating and Exploiting Overloads ( Wave Game )

Playing Area 30x20

10 Players

1. Coach plays ball into Red 1 who runs through 1v1 with GK

2. When ball goes dead Blue 2&3 now play 2v1 against Red 1 ( Who has made recovery run to be a defender ) Attacking Goal Left-Right.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 5

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 5
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Screen 5 (20 mins)

3. When Ball now goes dead, Ball is fed in and Reds 1,4&5 now play 3v2 against new set of blue defenders 5&6, Blue 2&3 now recover to back of blue que.


. Defending players to retreat behind halfway line when resetting for next phase

. Defending players to press person on the ball

. Attacking players to be positive and creative to exploit overloads

. Consider time contraints on attacking team

Coaching Points ( Attacking Team )

. Make the pitch big and with depth

. Create and exploit the overlap, find the spare man

. Positive and direct, get a shot off on goal

. Good weight of pass, into space

. Movement off the ball to create space

. Are the players rotating to create the overlap/overload

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 6

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 6
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Screen 6 (20 mins)

SSG - Playing Out From The Back - Posession Based

60x40 Playing area ( Can Be Adapted to Suit Player Numbers )


Neutral Player Positioned in Central Grid Must Touch the Ball Before Team In Possession Can Score

Coaching Points

. Teams To Play Out From The back, Defenders To Pull Wide To Receive Ball From GK. If Pass Not On Can Central Midfielder Drop In To Recieve Ball

. Body Position When Receiving Ball

. Can Team In Possession Pass&Move Creating Passing Triangles To Create And Exploit Overloads

. Team Not In Possession Being Compact, Delaying Attack, Showing Wide

. Team In Posssession Being Patient and Keeping Possession ( Not Rushing and Forcing Passes )

SSG Finishes with no restricions

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button