Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): U16 USDA 3-29-16: Press and shape in 1-4-1-3-2 (Start Time: 2016-03-29 17:30:00)

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Mike Ditta

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Mike Ditta
Name: Mike Ditta
City: Yorba Linda
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): P/R

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): P/R
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P/R (5 mins)


Passing and Receiving with movement


Dimensions are 36 x 22. Group of 16 players or more. Starting station pass 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A. Once starting spot gets into middle he receives 1B pass, 2B to 3B, 4B. Players on sidelines receive ball behind defender, players on inside receive in front of defender. Once ball gets to end, players accelerates with ball for 5 yeards and then passes to player on endline.

Players check in front of defender and protect ball. Receive with front foot....follow your pass

Application & Constraints:

2 touch or less



Key Coaching Points:

pace andaccuracy of pass

movement off of ball

details when receiving ball

protect ball from opponent

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): P/R combo

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): P/R combo
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P/R combo (5 mins)


Passing and Receiving with combination


Dimensions are 36 x 22. Group of 16 players or more. Player A to B, B lays off to A, A to C, C to B, B to D, D lays off to C, C to player E who accelerates with ball for 5 yeards and then passes to player on endline. Players on sidelines receive ball behind defender, players on inside receive in front of defender.

Players check in front of defender and protect ball. Receive with front foot....follow your pass

Application & Constraints:

2 touch or less



Key Coaching Points:

pace and accuracy of pass

movement off of ball

details when receiving ball

protect ball from opponent

create passing lanes with movement off of ball

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Team Shape w/out ball

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Team Shape w/out ball
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Team Shape w/out ball (30 mins)

Press in 1-4-1-3-2-1

First press will direct opponent centrally

F: 9s forces play centrally, denying wide. 7/11 pinch inside to deny central penetration.

M: 10 steps forward to press oppenents 6 and 7/11 shifts in to press opponents central players. 6 denies penetration to Fs and central attacking players

D: 2/3 stay compact and connnected to backline and drop to deny ball through wide channel. 2/3 opposite POA shift inside and cover and balance central defenders.

4/5 at POA deny central play, cover and balance 2/3, mark F and delay if play is broken down

GK: 1 connects with defenders to prevent long pass over and through defense

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Team shape: fullback has ball

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Team shape: fullback has ball
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Team shape: fullback has ball

Ball is at opponents fullbacks:

Press POA. Keep possession in small area of field

F: 9 press, prevents switch, makes play predictable.

M: 10 tight and screen CB, 7/11 deny central penetration and entice play to wide players then press the fullback, 7/11 tight and screen central players, 6 screens F and denies attacking players near ball to penetrate

D: 2/3 at POA deny wide channel and press wide attacker, 2/3 weak side shift inside and cover and balance center backs

4/5 at POA deny central play, cover and balance 2/3, mark F and delay if play is broken down

GK: 1 connects with defenders to prevent long pass over and through defense

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 9v9

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 9v9
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9v9 (20 mins)


develop good habits from training objectives


half field 9v9

Application & Constraints:

unlimited touches


10:00/1:00 x 2

Key Coaching Points:

good habits


good communciation

good 1v1 defending

defend/attack in numbers in numbers

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

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Repeat (toggle)
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Back/Forward: Drag timeline button