Jordan Brown
Name: | Jordan Brown |
City: | Binbrook |
Country: | Canada |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
Thursday November 23 - Development Programs
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Attack vs Defense with counter
- Balls, Bibs, Cones, Goals (Counter)
- Split the players into 2 teams - attackers vs defenders with a target (counter) player standing in each counter goal
- Attack vs Defense - the attacking team tries to score in the large goal (with GK)
- Defenders score by winning the ball and passing to the feet of the target player standing inside the goal
- As soon as the target player receives the ball they immediately initiate counter-attack
- The attacking team will always be numbers up on the counter-attack
- Only one target (counter) player can attack at once - as soon as the attacking team loses the ball they must ensure that they have a target player standing inside the goal
- Play the game functionally to start - players that are attackers should play on the attack and defenders should defend
- It is up to the coach to decide if he/she wants to have players switch roles (attackers defend and defenders attack) after a certain amount of time
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Gauntlet with counters for defenders
- Balls, Bibs, Cones, Large Goal
- GK in goal. Split the players into teams - attackers and defenders
- Organize field as illustrated with a starting zone, 3 defensive zones and a red zone
- Start off 1v1, then go 2v1, then go 3v2
- Attackers attempt to advance through the gauntlet by beating defenders
- Defenders can only defend in their respective zone
- If the defenders win the ball they attempt to pass the ball through one of the counter goals at the half way line
- Be sure to rotate the attackers and defenders giving players an opportunity to attack and defend
Coaching Points
- In numbers up situations, the attackers need to decide (or make better decisions as to when to) - DRIBBLE or PASS
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Mixed Bag
- Balls, Bibs, Cones, 2 goals
- To place field players and goalkeepers in decision-making situations with attacks developed from the wings
- Use half a fuled with a 5-10 yard channel each side of the field
- Mark a half-way line, 3v2 and a GK in each half. Offside applies in each half.
- Players must stay in their own half. Wingers are neutral and stay in channel.
- The channelled wingers have no allegiance - they play for both teams (in attack). If there are not enough players then only have a single nautral player in each channel
- When the ball is in the nands of keeper, GK always throws the ball to the flank players
- Wingers can pass to one another, overlap, and cross the ball, can play ball in/out to the three attackers
- Change around the players periodically to give experience in the different roles (except GKs)
Coaching Points:
- GKs must work on accurate throws to wide players
- GKs should be encouraged to "switch" play - catch from one wing, throw to the other
- GKs must communicate their requirements and organize the defence
- Field players should be encouraged to make good attacking runs (near and far post)
- Timing of runs of players is critically important - particularly the near post run
- Defenders need skillful cooperative defending against greater numbers (3v2)
- Outscore the opposition; send in good quality crosses from the flanks
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Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
4 Goal Game w pases (20 mins)
4-Goal Game
- Balls, Bibs, Cones
- An all-action game encouraging collecting attacking and "total defending", in addition the game highlights supporting play, good passing, ball control (first touch in particular) and ball possession skills.
- Activity is played on 1/2 of a field at the BSC
- Divide players evenly (5v5, 6v6 or 7v7 etc.)
- Place 4 small goals (3 to 5 yards wide) five yards in from from each corner
- Score in any of the four goals from the front only
- Ball can be dribbled or played through and possession retained
- Also, 4 or 5 or 6 (dependent on age and/or ability) consecutive passes count as a "goal"
- Any interception or deflection by the opposition breaks the sequence of passes
- Goals through cones can be scored at any time in a passing sequence and multiple goals
- Passes or "cone" goals scored in any possession
- When ball goes out of play re-start with a kick-in or throw-in (based on age)
- Phase in the rules when introducting game
Coaching Points
- Emphasize that maintaining possession gives best chance of success
- Advise players to be prepared to hold ball (screening/shielding) if passing options are poor
- Encourage switching play - particularly if one goal becomes "marked"
- Emphasize importance of positional play to prevent easy scoring in any of the four goals
- Encourage everyone to work hard (to create transition and win the ball back) - otherwise opponents will easily maintain possession
- Insist that the opponent with the ball be "hustled" (pressured)
- Play in "sets" like tennis. First team to score six "goals" wins the set. Play a best of 3 or best of 5 series