Hockey Session (Under 16s): Masterclass Clinic RA: Alex

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Edu-Club: SportWays SUPER Academy

Jason Mulder

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Jason Mulder
Name: Jason Mulder
City: Cape Towm
Country: South Africa
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Hockey
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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Drive through gate

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Drive through gate
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Drive through gate (25 mins)


Ensuring players carry the ball at 12 'o' clock after skill/elimination


Players A & B both dribble right and turn sharply left after the 1st cone.

Their aim is then to straight away get the ball out in front and to 12 'o' clock to allow both the ball, and their body to travel through the gate before passing onto the next player.

Reverse the drill to go clockwise

Progressions - ask players to move the ball quickly right - left - right (tic-tac) before going through the gate.

- Ask players to drop the ball to their side to shield it from a defender after the turn but before the gate.

Adding these skills on before the gate will make it more difficult for them to get the ball back to neutral before going through the gate.


- Ensure players keep the ball out of their feet and well in front

- Vision is key, so they can successfully travel through the gate

- Allow players to do it at a slower pace to begin with if they need to, and push more experienced players to do it at 100% to test themselves


- get players to do it at a slower pace

+ make gates smaller/closer to the turning cone

- make gates bigger/further away from the turning cone.

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): I'm faster!

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): I'm faster!
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I'm faster!


Geef je tweede verdediger de tijd om bij te kunnen sluiten.


De verdedigers zijn de spelers 1 en 2. Speler B begint om de binnenste pionnen te rennen, wanneer hij bij de laatste pion is speelt A de bal naar B. Speler 1 mag beginnen met rennen om de buitenste pionnen wanneer hij ziet dat B begint met rennen. Speler 2 mag uit het goaltje komen wanneer A de pass naar B geeft. Als 1 en 2 de bal afpakken hebben zij een punt behaald. De aanvaller kan geen punten verdienen maar kan er wel voor zorgen dat zijn concurrenten geen punten krijgen. Hij mag scoren van ong. 4 meter voor het goal (vak maken).

Doordraaien: A zijn een koppeltje en 1 en 2 samen. Na een aantal minuten wisselen ze van rol.


- De eerste verdediger moet er voor zorgen dat de aftand tussen de aanvaller en hem verkleind wordt tot ongeveer 2 meter (vertragen). 

- Altijd twee handen aan je stick houden.

- Je stick naarmate de afstand kleiner wordt steeds dichter naar de bal toe bewegen en lager gaan zitten.


+ Speler A wordt een extra aanvaller. Dan wordt het een twee tegen twee.

- Speler 1 doet niet meer en het wordt een één tegen één.

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Open receiving

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Open receiving
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Open receiving


Receiving across the body


This exercise will need quite a bit of length.

Player A starts the exercise by running with the ball and playing a bounce pass of the rebound board. He receives the ball across he's body from the rebound board. After receiving the ball he plays the ball towards player B who starts as soon as player A receives the ball. Player B needs to open receive the ball outside the blue cone and then proceed to take a shot at goal.

The same exercise applies on the right hand side. The only thing that changes is the receiving technques.


1st receiving technique:

Lean towards the ball with your stick starting on the ball side guide the ball across your body.

2nd receiving technique:

Make sure the ball is received ahead of your feet.


- Only focus on one type of receiving technique

+ Players can choose which side they would like to open receive.

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Body Fake

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Body Fake
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Body Fake


Using your body to deceive the defender


Players start on the double yellow cone. They proceed to carry the ball to the three red cones, as theyget to the cones they quickly change direction.

Players need to make sure they rotate sides.


This exercise is all about body language and stick position. These two will assiting in when deceiving the defend.

The ball must be carried in neutral position towards the cone. The stick flat side of the stick should be pointed in the opposite direction the moment before the player changes direction.


+ Add body movement

- Justchange of direction

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