Hockey Session (Under 10s): Quarter pitch game

Profile Summary

Richard Penrose
Name: Richard Penrose
City: Winchester
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Hockey
Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Quarter pitch game

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Quarter pitch game
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Quarter pitch game

Focus on defensive principles: Delay, Disrupt, Dispose (as well as playing into space when on the ball)

  • 5 v 5 in 1/4 pitch (adjust if too crowded)
  • Coach feeds ball from the side (use feed to influence the game)
  • 3 minute sets
  • Additional players as subs - self subbing
  • 1 pt for a goal
  • 2 pts for an interception and goal within 10 seconds


  • If team fails to score within 30 seconds its a turnover (to emphasise delay)
  • Carry into contact coach awards a turn over
  • 5 second rule on possession (must pass within 5 seconds)
  • Score a goal and gain an extra player for the rest of the set
  • Must always have one player in attacking or defensive half (or even 2 players)

Coaching Points

  • Players to protect the middle
  • Channel to the sides and use the side lines
  • Get their head down
  • Apply early pressure
  • Look to play into space on the ball
  • Deny space off the ball
  • Use height and width to create space on the ball
  • Compress to crowd the space when off the ball

Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

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Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

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