Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Passing and Receiving Technique

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Am-Club: Harrison Youth Soccer Club

Jorge Hernandez

Profile Summary

Jorge Hernandez
Name: Jorge Hernandez
City: Mount Kisco
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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For this week we will focus on improving passing and receiving technique. Player's should always be in an athletic ready position to receive the ball at any given moment in a game. Being attentive by being on their toes and giving signals to player with the ball. Player's will also work on receiving the ball with different surfaces of their foot. We will focus on giving the correct weight of  the pass depending on the distance of  the pass. 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): passing pairs

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): passing pairs
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passing pairs (5 mins)


  • 20x30 field
  • pairs  with 1 ball each
  • each pair is given a designated number



Part 1:


1. pairs have  1 ball each and must  pass  and move around the field

2. each pair will have a number  designated by coach

3. coach can demand certain passing  combinations from pairs such  as wall pass, 1-2, through ball or overlap etc 

4. make it into a competition first pair to combine 20 passes will say EVERTON!



Part 2:


1. Players will combine with each other constantly moving their ball around.

2. Coach will shout a number

3. Whichever number(s) were called they become defensive players who must win ball and attempt to score on any pug goal 

4. team to keep ball for 30 seconds will gain 1 MVP points each. 


Coaching Points

-communication (Man on!, I'm open!, ball!, call your partner's name etc)

-observation of open space

-stretch the field

-passing technique

-surface of foot to pass

-type of passing combination 

-weight of pass

-speed of play 


  • add a new neutral player who assist any team in possession 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): passing reps

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): passing reps
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passing reps (15 mins)


  • 2 pairs in a gate
  • 1 ball per pair
  • several gates for 10-14 players



pick an exercise based on ability level and intensity that players can handle


Exercise #1 


1. pairs will combine and connect 5 passes to each use two touches

2.  on the 5th pass teammate player without ball will run to opposite gate to find a new teammate 

3. pairs will continue to pass keeping up a high short passing tempo


Exercise #2

1. player will make a pass to teammate

2. then check away to receive from gate to right or left side then pass back to teammate

3. as a variation player can take a touch away with inside/or outside then pass back

4. after players get comfortable with 2 touches advance to 1 touch and make it a competition 




Exercise #3


1. teammate will play long pass to opposite gate then follow their pass

2. receiving player will a take a positive first touch then pass to opposite gate also following their pass

3. make it competitive first teammate to combine 15 passes says EVERTON! 


Exercise #4


1. there will now be a player in a middle of the 2 gates

2. only using 1 ball each group will have to combine with their middle player who will receive on back foot and keep passing ball from one end to the other

3. after 10 passes to each side rotate  a new middle player

4. make it competitive first team to combine 10 passes through the middle will get 1 MVP point each.



Coaching Points


-training position

-body position to receive

-head up when passing

-head up after taking first touch

-passing technique

-weight of pass 


-signal to where to receive pass

-checking in or away from pass

-thought of next action

-speed of  play

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): penetrating passes

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): penetrating passes
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penetrating passes (20 mins)


  • two 10x15 fields split into 3 thirds 
  • 2 goals on each end for  GK  
  • 3 different colored teams 


Part 1 (each pair with a ball)

1. players will be split into 3 different colored teams

2. Defensive team will be in the  middle zone

3. objective of the game is for pairs to connect  a pass from one end zone to the other

4. if defensive  players intercept  and block  a ball  they  have  2  touches to score on GK

5. first  team to connect 15 passes wins 2 MVP points  each



Part 2 (1 ball team vs team)


1.  Team on each endzone will attempt to find a penetration pass across the middle zone for a  1 point.

2. Defensive team can now have 1 pressing player on one endzone when team on that  zone has possession of ball

3. If Defensive players wins ball  they must go to goal or pass back to defensive player that must strike ball to GK

4. team in possession can play GK at anytime to keep ball and move  ball around in possession 


Coaching Points

-observation of space

-head up when dribbling/receiving  ball

-passing technique

-weight of pass

-1st touch to receive

-body shape to receive 

-off the ball movement

-Lines of penetration

Option 1- maintain ball

Option 2- play wide (around  the block)

Option 3- through ball (killer pass through the defensive block)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Scrimmage

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Scrimmage
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Scrimmage (25 mins)


field size 20x25

2 pugs or 4 pugs with goals with GK

spare balls


- team must set themselves with 3 lines of attack defense- midfield- forward

-observe game and let players make decisions

-if necessary step in and guide players on when to dribble, pass or shoot

-most importantly naturally enforce topic that was practiced on today's session

Coaching Points:


-reinforce knowledge of game rules (restarts and game related topics)

-enforce what was practiced on the session

 Restart Week 9: Penalty Kicks

Players will learn how to quickly adjust themselves on a penalty kick. There will be an emphasis on which shooting technique is most effective when taking a penalty kick. 

Principle of Play: Penetration 

As a team we must penetrate to create opportunities to score goals. Each player must provide proper angles and distances of support to the player in possession of the ball or the player about to be in possession The player in ball must have options to their left, right and in front of them. This support is created as the the ball is traveling to any teammate on the field. 

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