Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): 4 vs. 4 Games

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Miles O'Connor
Name: Miles O'Connor
City: Milton
Country: Canada
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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4 vs. 4 Conditioned games that promote aspects of functional play.

Making use of the small sided game

The Basic Method, 4v4

Players must regularly by training using various small sided games, with the basis of all games being 4v4. Why 4v4? 4v4 is the smallest form of football that relates directly to the 11v11 game. 4v4 presents all the important aspects of the football match and keeps all players actively involved. The 4v4 game allows for the use of width, depth, passes in all directions, three lines (defense, midfield, attack), it allows the ball to be played forwards, backwards, it allows for combination plays (overlap runs, give and go’s, crossovers), it allows the square pass, it will create isolation for the 1v1. The 4v4 game forces all players to be involved and will guarantee plenty of repetition and decision making. Defensively players will not be able to “hide”, it will allow a team to press immediately and allow the players to understand the basic defensive principles (pressure, depth, cover, balance, delay) and will repeatedly allow teams to deal with transition (the moment in which a team switches from attack to defense or vice versa).

With the root being 4v4, we can branch off and modify the small sided game. Depending on what we are teaching the small sided game can be tailored to accommodate the group, we can offset the balance of the teams (4v2, 4v3, 4v1, 5v2, etc), we can minimize or expand the space that we use (minimizing space will increase pressure, expanding will give players more time), we can add conditions (1 touch, 2 touch, etc), we can modify the rules (4 goal game, play through a zone, must make an overlap run before scoring, etc).During the 4v4 or modified version of the small sided game, the coach must ask him/herself the following:

What is the objective? Is it being achieved? If the answer is Yes > How can I make it more difficult? If the answer is No > How can I alter the game to help my players achieve the goal?

Is the game flowing? If the answer is Yes > How can I increase pressure? If the answer is No > How can I alter the game to ease the pressure and allow a flow to the game?

Players should understand the game and the objective, it should be made clear to them what they are trying to achieve. With the base of 4v4 and its alterations the players will not only learn to play the game and improve in their technique and decision making, but they will also have fun. This after all, is why we play the game.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Line Goal

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Line Goal
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Line Goal

Line Goal Instructions:

25m x 20m grid – As many as desired

- Both teams start on opposite goal lines. White pass to blues who must then score by dribbling the ball and stopping it on the goal line.

- 3 attempts each then rotate teams.

- Extra points for ‘nutmegs’ and skills – reward creativity


- Team who scores must then get to the others side for double points. Continue until scoring team loses possession, then other team restart in normal manner.

Key Points: 1st touch out of your feet, attack the space in front of you. Feints, dummies – try something new. Movement off the ball to create space/ Work as a unit to create space and options.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Small Goal

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Small Goal
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Small Goal

Small Goal game Instructions:

30m x 25m – As many as desired

- White team passes to blue team and blues must score by passing the balls through the small goals.

- 3 Attempts each then rotate blue teams

- Extra points for ‘nutmegs’ / reward skill & creativity


- Dribble through goals to score. (Use cones/remove nets) This teaches to penetrate or break lines with the dribble.

Progression 2: (Switching play option) Now the team in possession can score by dribbling through the goal for 1point or by "passing" the ball and knocking over one of the cones in the corner for 2 points. (Coaches, make sure you have the correct size pitch to get success on the topic.

Key Points: 1st touch out of your feet, feints, dummies – try something new. Movement off the ball to create space/ Work as a unit to create space and options.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4 Goal Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4 Goal Game
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4 Goal Game

Four Goal Game (Switch of Play):

30m x 25m – As many as desired

-Both teams start on goal line. White pass to blues who must then score by passing into either of the goals in the corners.

- If defenders steal ball they can score for double points.

- 3 attempts each then rotate blue team

- Extra points for ‘nutmegs’ / reward skill & creativity


- Dribble through goals to score.

Key Points: Work as a unit to create space and options. Suck teams over to one side of the pitch and play into the space behind. Can players beat a player in wide areas to score.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): GK

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): GK
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35m x 25m – As many as desired

- Normal game play. To start the game both keepers have a ball in their hand. The coach will then call the colour of the team which is to start the match. The other keeper must quickly put their own ball in their net.

- Once a goal has been scored the keeper who concedes starts with a throw out.

- First to 5 goals wins – rotate teams. (max game time is 8 minutes)

Extra points for skills/ tricks – reward creativity

Key Points: Movement off the ball to create space/ Try something new, be confident – make space for the shot then get your shots of quickly.

Loads of goals….loads of FUN!!

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Crossroads

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Crossroads
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Instructions: 30m x 30m – vary goal size depending on learning outcome

- Variation 1: (dribbling)

- Players are again encouraged to take players on with the emphasis on dribbling and tricks

- Players score by dribbling the ball between one of the goals

- If a goal has been scored, that team can now only score in one of the other three goals

-1st team to 5 goals wins

Progressions: Once a team has scored in a goal they cannot score in that goal until all the goals have been scored in – when this is achieved that team wins

- One teams plays across whilst the other plays up and down.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Diagonal Gates

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Diagonal Gates
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Diagonal Gates

Instructions: 4v4 Diagonal Gate Game

- Each team team has a goal at opposite corners which are occupied by a player in each gate. This will leave 2 players from each team in the middle to compete 2 vs. 2.

- The team in possession objective is to get the ball to one of their teammates occupying a "Gate" (goal), For the team in possession to score they must successfully play a pass into the gate and it must be received by their teammate.

- Once the pass is successful the game is continious, player who received dribbles or passes to teammate in the grid, player who scored must leave the grid and occupy the "Gate"

- This game is flowing, once the team was successful in scoring in one gate they can't score in that same gate until they've lost and regained possession or have scored in the other goal. This creates forward direction (positive play)

- If the ball goes out of play, it is re-started with kick in's. Players can score directly from a kick in.

- To encourage speed of play, give them a 4 second kick in condition.

Key Points:

- 1 vs. 1 Skill, feints and dribble

- Positive play, face your opposition

- Positive and first touch,

- Awareness, Identify the space you want to attack

- Accurate pass

- Movement off the ball to create support and space

- Make the field of play big when in possession

- When to play direct, when to pry and probe

- Work as a unit to draw a team into space so you can play in the space behind them. Work hard and have fun.

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