Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): U16 USDA 1-3-16: Pressure in opponents half (Start Time: 2016-01-03 10:00:00)

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Mike Ditta

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Mike Ditta
Name: Mike Ditta
City: Yorba Linda
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Rondo Warmup

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Rondo Warmup
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Rondo Warmup (15 mins)

Rondo 5 v 2s (or similar)


decision making


4 min/1 min dynamic stretch x 2

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): P/R Positional

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): P/R Positional
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P/R Positional (15 mins)

P/R Positional (7-6-8-11 and 9)

P/R technique and movements for cmids and forward in the building phase

Sequence(shaded area)

player 7 passes to cmid 6

6 opens backwards to receive pass

9 checks and opens body to pass to 8

8 is opening backwards to receive pass

11 opens wide to receive pass from 8 then may dribble or pass to next player

Sequence 2

7 passes to cmid 6 who is opening backwards

6 passes to 9 then opens towards center of field

9 shows towards ball and passes 1-2 combo with 6

6 passes to 8 who is opening backwards

11 opens wide and recieves pass from 8

9 looks to combine 1-2 with 11

11 dribbles to next position


technique of passes and receving ball

technique of body position and movements to build attack in this sequence



Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pressure in final 1/3

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pressure in final 1/3
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Pressure in final 1/3 (15 mins)

Pressure in opponents half

Organization of front 3 and central 3 when opponent is allowed to build in their final 1/3

Coordination with outside fullbacks to deny wide play


Attacking/blue teams begins building play

Pressuring/gray team shifts to POA once CB receives ball

Front 3 and central 3 cover and balance the 9, 10, 7 to condence shaded area of field to restrict building play from opponent both centrally and in the wide channel

Opponents counter to 3 small goals and midfield

alternate side of play

7 min/ 2x

Coaching points

forcing play to predictable side

condencing the field area quickly

awarness and adjustment to opponents mobility

physcial and aggressive to when duels

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Funtional attacking play

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Funtional attacking play
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Funtional attacking play (15 mins)

Functional attacking movements and finishing

Attacking patterns to goal from midfield

Combination play with central players to break into final third either wide or centrally


2 teams or 9 or the like

Play 1

CB passes to 10/9 checking to ball

10/9 lays off to 6

6 combines 1-2 with 11

3 times run behind back 4

6 passes into 3's feet

3 crosses to 9, 10, 8 7 and/or 11

repeat on other side

Play 2

CB passes 10/8

10/8 lays off to 6

9 makes diagonal run to same side as player10/8 who received the 1st pass

6 passes into feet of 9

9 may shoot or cross to 10/8, 11/7 attacking the goal area

recovery run to poles(30-40 yds) after attempt on goal

2 min/ 3x for each team

movement of positions

timing of movements

technical ability

speed of play




Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Match play

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Match play
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Match play (20 mins)

Match play

10 v 10 or 9 v 9s

Evaluation of decision making and progress of players knowledge of the training concepts

10 min./ 2x

50 yd x 60 yd

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