Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): Wednesday (2/28/24) Training Session U9G

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Reseller-Club: Premier Users' Club

Barcelona United

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Barcelona United
Name: Barcelona United
City: Pickerington
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Endurance Training

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Endurance Training
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Endurance Training

Week 1 Endurance Training(20 minutes):

Static/Dynamic Stretches:

1. High Knees

2. Butt Kickers

3. Arm circles

4. Calf Stretch

5. Hamstring Stretch

6. Quad Stretch 

Run 100 Meters, Walk 300 meters

Run 45 seconds, Walk 3:45 minutes (at 6 mph pace or 10 minute mile)

13:30 minutes endurance training

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Open Hips/Passing Drill

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Open Hips/Passing Drill
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Open Hips/Passing Drill

20 minutes:

Overview: Ball Mastery develops opening hips to help in finishing with 1v1 with goalie or allow more options to make passes to teammates or into space.

Organization: 20x20 yard box with cones in triangular pattern toward endline.  Players form 4 lines behind each of the two cones on the touch/end line.   In example, players 1 & 4 dribble the ball to center point opens hip/foot to pass with their right foot to Player 3.   Similarly, Player 2&3 dribbles to center point opens hip/foot to pass with their left foot.  Each player gets in line behind where she passed to, e.g. 1 goes to line where player 3 started.

Key Coaching Points:

1. Develop passing technique (both feet) 

2. Open Hips and how to use this in game e.g. 1v1 w/ GK 

3. Encourage players build speed once establish methods

Players' Questions:

1. Why is it important to be able to open hips? 
2. Why is a good 1st touch important?
3. Can you challenge yourself to dribble and pass faster?

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Dribbling Relay

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Dribbling Relay
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Dribbling Relay

20 Minutes:

Organization:  20 x 20 yard square. 9 players each have a ball and can dribble anywhere within the square. 3 players start the web by linking arms and the ‘web’ can move anywhere in the square as long as arms are linked together.

"THE STORY" The players are on safari in the dangerous Amazon jungle. Huge spiders have made a massive web and are hoping to capture all the players. On the command of ‘GO’, the web starts to move around the jungle (square). If any part of the web touches the player’s ball, the player must join the web and kick their ball out of the area. The game continues until all the players are caught in the web.

Key Coaching Points:

1. Close control while dribbling
2. Head up to ensure avoid the web
3. Use of both feet to increase dribbling speed


  • Coaching objectives – players dribbling with the laces and ‘raise their heads’ to see where space exists.
  • Coaching tip – Set a touch-target. 
  • Adaptations – make the game a direction activity, by adding a safety zone at each end of the jungle.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing/Evade Defender

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing/Evade Defender
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Passing/Evade Defender

20 Minutes:

Organization: 15 by 20-yard area and focuses on developing players technical

movement to evade their marker and receive passes. We setup by creating two squares using
cones, with three players starting on the sides with a ball and a working player + defender in the
centre. The objective is for the central player to make movements to evade the defender and play
bounce passes with the outside players. If the player receives a pass from all 3 players, they are
awarded 3 goals and switch out with an outside teammate. If the defender wins possession, they
become the central working player while the other player becomes the defender.

Key Coaching Points:

1. Short sharp movements to evade the defender
2. Verbal and non-verbal communication to call the ball from the outside player
3. One touch passing accuracy
4. Defenders must get tight and read attackers movements to intercept
5. Keep record of the number of passes made - switch out after 3
6. Fake movements to evade defenders

Players' Questions:

1. Were you able to consistently evade the defenders to receive?
2. What type of movements can you use to create space?
3. Are you comfortable playing accurate one touch passes under pressure?

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Small Sided Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Small Sided Game
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Small Sided Game

20 Minutes

Small Side Games...TBD

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