Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Creating and Developing Shooting Oppourtunities

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Benjamin Sohier

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Benjamin Sohier
Name: Benjamin Sohier
City: Telford
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Applying Attacking Principles to create shooting oppourtunities within the Final Third

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Function

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Function
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Function (20 mins)


- Half 11-a-side pitch +10m beyond halfway line

- 2 Mini goals on the +10m line.

- 15 Players

- Attacking Team (blue) setup in a 3-3-2

- Defending Team (red) setup in a 1-3-2-1

- Ball starts with Blue server who plays into any blue defender

- Blues try to work way through midfield and attacking third and then score.

- If defending team win ball back, they have 15 seconds to score into mini goals

- When play/ball dead, restart with server

Coaching Points

- Front players and midfield

movement to create space

– diagonal runs (forward players

interchange positions)

- overlaps with wide players

- positivity

- incisive and decisive

- ruthless in the decision making and execution

- effective and informative communication

• or if we can’t go wide, can one attacker drop deep to receive the


• Quality of passing into front players from midfield- observe and

recognise the moment to pass.

• Positive attitude- take early opportunities to shoot on half turn?

• Variety of shot (round, through and over)

• Technique- head over the ball, aim for accuracy before power. Hit the


• Also quality of finishing from crosses.

• Support from midfield players and rebounds.

• Encourage clever play- tricks, feints and dummies in final third to

create an opening.

• Don’t force play- encourage Attackers to keep ball until a

shooting opportunity arises

- Maintain structure and space to split opposition to then exploit those gaps created


- Introduce offside line to create further realism (either flag/cone line or set by defending team)

- Defenders have longer time period to score (20-30s)

- Attackers can play out to any player from server


- Passive pressure until midfield or attacking third

- Reduced time limit for defenders to score (10s), or even a touch limit (5-10 touches to score).

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG

See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG
Save Image: Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG Create Video:

SSG (25 mins)


- Half 11-a-side pitch +10m length.

- 16 Players

- Ball starts with Attacking Team GK (Blues). Work ball to score. Ball must be played through all 3 areas/thirds to score. Can only shoot in Area #3.

- Area #1 is unopposed, Area #2 and #3 are opposed.

- Defending Team (Reds) try to win ball back. If so, they have 20 seconds to score.

- Attackers have free roam through all 3 thirds

- Defenders have free roam but can only have max of 5 players (including GK) in Area #3. Chance for attacking overload.

Coaching Points

- Front players and midfield movement to create space.

- Free roam positions - provides chance to interlink and interchange

- Split opposition to create gaps. Penetrate and exploit the gaps to move forward or to score.

- Wide and deep players to provide support and options. Player on ball needs minium of 3 passing options.

- Positive and creative flair play.

- Variety of pass to create oppourtunity (round, through or over)

- Incisive and decisive passing

- Be patient in build up - don't rush. Keep possession and take the chance when it is created

- Quality of passing into front players from midfield- observe and recognise the moment to pass.

- Quality of decision making; when to pass, when to shoot, when to dribble, where on the pitch etc.

- Effective and informative communication

- Combination play

- Speed of thought

- Speed of play


- Introduce offside line (either flag/cone line or set by defending team)

- All areas are opposed

- Can shoot from any area (reward long distance goal)

- Increase time that (reds) have to score when they have the ball (30-45s)


- Area #2 only passive pressure also

- Decrease time that (reds) have to score when they have the ball (10-15s)


What if?







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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

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Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button