Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Monday 14th May - Microcycle 51 - Under 10's Pressing

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Dan Bolas

Profile Summary

Dan Bolas
Name: Dan Bolas
City: Wolverhampton
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): BM - Back & Forth

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): BM - Back & Forth
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BM - Back & Forth

Back & Forth

Squad Ball Manipulation practice.

Set Up

As Shown.

Players are split into groups of three, with a ball in each group.


Players dribble to nearest cone and perform a Dribbling skill (Technical DVD) and then move towards second cone, performing same skill with opposing foot. (Example A)

Pass is then played to nearest player, who repeats the task the other way.

Players can also perform turns, but must travel to the cone furthest away first, before turing back on themselves at the second cone. (Example B)

Key Points

Players to use both feet.

Players to dribble with different parts of the foot.

Receiving player's first touch, body shape and movement. (Dropping back to move into space, sideways movements etc.)

Players to move with head up, scanning and glancing whilst dribbling.

Players to perform tricks and skills highlighted in technical DVD.

Players to work to highest standard and tempo throughout.


Blockers can be added, dribbling between groups to put players off.

Players must perform turns shouted out by their team mates.

A third cone can be added inbetween the two, creating an obstacle for players to avoid.

Following pass, player can apply pressure, and dribbler must beat them before starting the drill.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): TD - Diamond Passing Drill

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): TD - Diamond Passing Drill
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TD - Diamond Passing Drill

Practice organisation

4 cones in a diamond shape

Players rotate down one side of the Diamond only.

Players pass, receiving player takes touch inside and plays reverse pass to overlapping player

Players work both ways to practice overlapping down left side as well as down the right.

Key Points

Quality of passing.

Accuracy, Weight,

Quality of control,

Quality of support,



Add a passive defender marking the receiver, thus affecting the decision making of the players.

Add a striker who will become available for the wide player to “bounce” the ball off behind the passive defender to an overlapping player.

Defensive player can play straight into forward who can then link with wide player or play one-two with defender.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SD - Decisions, Decisions

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SD - Decisions, Decisions
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SD - Decisions, Decisions

Decisions Decisions

Youth Award Module 1

Set Up

As Shown

Two teams of six with two GK.

10 footballs (5 for each team) set up in central neutral zone.


Players work in twos to attack goal.

Defenders to work individually.

Attackers have 5 footballs to score goals with. If a goal is scored or the ball goes out of play, it is dead and attacking team must immediately go and attack with a new ball.

Defenders must take it it turns to go 1 v 2 against the attackers. On regaining the ball, defenders can dribble into the central zone to get a point for their team.

Two games going on simaltaniously, with scores being combined from attackers on one side and defenders on other.

After five balls, practice is reset and attackers and defenders switch roles, giving everyone two goes and defending and one at attacking.

Key Points

Attackers to play quickly.

Comination play and individual ability to create goal scoring opportunies.

Create space off the ball for team mate.

Quality and technique of finish (placed finish / laces / chip etc.)

The defending team must:

-Apply Pressure on the ball

-Make play predictable

-Make recovery runs

-Track players where possible

-Attack on regaining possesion


Mini goals can be added instead of central zone for defending team to score.

Defenders can be positioned randomly around the outside of the area as start positions

2 Defenders can come out to create a balanced attack v defence practice.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG - European Cup Football

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG - European Cup Football
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SSG - European Cup Football

Small Sided Game

One To Keep, One To Score

Set Up

4v4 - 8v8 Game


Game is split into two 4 minute halves. For one half one team can score in either goal, whereas the other team simply have to keep possession.

At half time, the roles reverse, with the team scoring second knowing how many goals they require to win the game.

Key Points

Team to create space to keep possesion

Body position of individual players to receive the ball and support play

Try to play around opponents with speed and accuracy.

Decision regarding the type of pass, movement to benefit the strategy of the team

Angle & Distance of support of players to develop play

Movement on & off the ball

The defending team must:

-Apply Pressure on the ball

-Cover & support to stop the ball being played behind / in between the team

-Make recovery runs

-Track players where possible


Quick Transition from attack to defence & vice versa


Game Condition - 10 passes for possesion team equals one goal

Game Condition - All set pieces go to possesion team (no corners etc.)

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button