Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): glenrock rec u7/8

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Andrew Mcleod

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Andrew Mcleod
Name: Andrew Mcleod
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up/Activator

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up/Activator
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Warm Up/Activator (15 mins)

Organization: 4 groups of 3 in 4 different color pinnies, every player with a ball

4 goals set up as shown with one cone each placed in front of it (cone color should match one of the colors or the groups of 3, if cones don't match the color of the pinnies, tie one pinnie each to the four goals)

Instructions: All players are numbered 1, 2, or 3 in their group

Players dribble around the area maintaining control of their ball

When a coach calls out a number, that number player from each group will dribble out of the area toward the goal with their color cone/pinnie and shoot the ball

After shooting, retrieve ball and dribble back into the center box

Every player that scores gets a point for their team

Coaching Points:

Touch out of feet to create angle of approach,

head up to observe target,

plant the standing foot next to the ball,

knee over the ball,

toe down and ankle locked,

strike the ball with the laces,

follow through toward your target

Progressions: 1 - Only the first player to score gets a point each time the coach calls a number

2 - Players only have one touch outside the box to score (don't allow the players to take an unrealisticly big touch to get right up next to the goal)

3 - Coach will call a number and a color, the number will indicate which players take the shot for each team, the color is the goal that all four players have to try to score at, only the player that scores first will get the point for his team

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical repetitions

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical repetitions
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Technical repetitions (15 mins)

Organization: 4 groups set up as shown, 1st player starts next to the cones facing the goal they are using (each line has their own small goal)

Instructions: 1st player in line takes their 1st touch through the three cones, making sure not to hit any cone with their ball (to accomplish this, their touch must be at an angle in order to miss the last cone); player shoots the ball after taking last touch out of feet, move off to the side so as not to be in the way of the next shot

2nd player will take their touch and shoot as soon as the 1st player is out of the way, 3rd player shoots when 2nd player is out of the way

Allow all three shots to happen before retrieving the balls, then go and get them as a group

Teams get a point for every goal that is scored, and a bonus point if all players make their shot in the same round

Play for a set amount of time, then play round two using the weaker foot to shoot (make sure players realize to take the touch to the opposite side of the triangle)

Coaching Points:

Touch into space to create the angle of approach,

Head up to observe target,

plant the standing foot next to the ball,

head and knee over the ball,

toe down and ankle locked,

strike the ball with the laces,

follow through toward your target


1 - After shooting the ball, player turns stands between last cone and goal to act as the defender for the next shooter; defender does not try to steal the ball

2 - Same as above, but now the defender can try to steal the ball once the attacker leaves the last cone

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned Game
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Conditioned Game (15 mins)

Organization: 4 Groups of 3, each group is in line at a cone near their own goal as shown

All balls in a pile next to the coach who is possitioned centrally on one sideline

Instructions: The coach will serve one ball into the area

When the ball is in play, the first player from each line comes onto the field to play 1v1v1v1

When a goal is scored, or the ball goes out of play, all players return to the back or their line and the coach serves the next ball for the next group of players

Players must take shot from any part of grid in the middle

Coaching Points:

All previous points

Create space and angle to shoot with set up touch

Progressions: Red and Green vs Blue and Yellow to make game 2v2

Regression: Coach calls out two colors as the ball is put in play, only the first player from those two teams comes on to the field to play 1v1 to any goal, vary the combination of colors called onto the field

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Free Play

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Free Play
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Free Play (15 mins)

Organization: 4 teams of 3, 2 fields of 3v3

Instructions: 3v3 free play

Coaching Points: limited coaching

encourage players to look for their opportunity to shoot


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