Football/Soccer Session (Difficult): ISP24. Diagonal moves. Switch play game.

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Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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This is a revision session for 1v1 diagonal moves, and develops first touch under pressure in advance of the move. It also includes a shielding game encouraging players to be unafraid to retain the ball when under pressure.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm up heading game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm up heading game
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Warm up heading game (10 mins)

15x20 area with fairly wide cone goals. 2 channels.

Teams of 4 or 5.

Players pass the ball by heading to a team mate who must head on or head to himself and then catch.

No running with the ball. No catching unless receiving a team mates header or an opposition mis-header.

Score in the cone goals.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): The Cage

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): The Cage
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The Cage (10 mins)

10x20 area with central 10x10 cage. Adjust size for younger players. Players take turns in each role.

1st red dribbles in and 1st blue attempts to win ball from him.

Red must shield for 5 secs and then find a pass to any other red = 1 point.

If blue wins ball he passes to any other blue who dribbles in and game restarts with a new red attacking.

If ball goes out of play a new pair start again - coach decides who has possession.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Diagonals 2v1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Diagonals 2v1
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Diagonals 2v1 (20 mins)

20x20 area.

Reds R2 (or R3) play into an advanced player R1 who is central who must take more than 1 touch.

B1 moves from the marker only when R1 receives the ball - marker is adjustable to enable R1 to gain take first touch. Closer becomes much more difficult.

R1 and B1 go 1v1 and R1 must find a pass to either R2 or R3. (R3 is shown)

R1 and R3 then go 2v1 to the goal opposite R3 (goal L as shown).

Must be a weak foot finish.

If B1 wins ball he tries to finish in goal R.

Play for 2 mins and swap teams.

*R1 to be alert/on toes to make first touch safe and set up for second touch/pass

*use of diagonal moves to create space for pass

*B1 to be 1st defender, cut down options for passing

*R1 to be strong on the ball

*R2 and R3 to move sideways to create better options

Ball out of play = restart with attacking team and players rotate back to corners.

Progress by moving B1 start position closer, but not intercepting initial pass.

Also progress by allowing R1 to call from a pass from either R2 OR R3

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Diagonals 2v2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Diagonals 2v2
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Diagonals 2v2 (20 mins)

As previous but if blue wins ball he must play out to any other blue as shown.

Game is then 2v2 with blue attacking goal opposite to 2nd player.

*reds to quickly reorganise into 1st and 2nd defender

*blues to attack with speed and not get caught close to goal

Play for 2 mins per team then swap - competition

Progress by going to 3v2 - either team can play out to an extra player

Play for a further 2 mins per team - competition

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Diagonals Cond Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Diagonals Cond Game
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Diagonals Cond Game (15 mins)

30 x 20 pitch. 4v4 or 5v5. Pitch split down middle.

Teams must switch play at least once (from side L to side R or vv) before attacking either goal.

Finish must be weak foot.

Restarts are in corners.

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button