Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): Sporting Winter Skills Rec #1 - 10 min rotate - Dribbling/Passing, Dribbling, Passing, Shooting

Profile Summary

Nathan Mason
Name: Nathan Mason
City: Columbia
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Rotate skill station; we have 3 technical games we will play, stop and teach, and have fun.

You will hear a whistle to rotate. We should have 10 kids per station.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Run Away from the Coach!

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Run Away from the Coach!
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Run Away from the Coach! (10 mins)

Organization: 8-10min  

Set up : cones, balls, grid size to match players abilities

Activity: Have all the players work together to keep 3-4 balls away from the coaches. 

Progression: 1. Everyone has a ball and THEY TRY and HIT YOU with the ball.

2. Add a challeneg of the players to pass to one another and then try and hit you.

Coaching points : Technical - Passing/Dribbling

How can we keep it from the coach? head up, spread out, move away

What part of the feet can you use to try and hit the coach? side of foot, laces

How can I keep close control of the ball? small touches, smaller steps and not longer steps, athletic postion of being low

Freeze and demos: (Show correct technique for passing and show controling on the ball)

Body position (planting foot slightly ahead of the ball so your body is over the ball, eyes on the ball,  lock your ankle, follow through, weight of the pass, part of the foot, and part of the ball)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Treasure Hunt

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Treasure Hunt
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Treasure Hunt (10 mins)

Treasure Hunt

Set Up: Spread a bunch off cones, pennies, soccer balls etc.

Activity: Tell the kids they can go get a treasure. They dribble and come back and set down their treasure, they will go back and forth. Add in different parts of feet challenge - left foot, inside, outside some, roll, cuts

Progression: can add spread around the area (you decide the area 30x30/40x40 yds) and dribble around collect slowly

Coaching points: Technical - ball control, dribbling, running with the ball

How can we keep it close to us? different parts, small touches

How can we see what's around us while dribbling? head up, scan

If we need to slow down what's a way to slow down or stop? quick small steps and foot on top of the ball.

Freeze and demos: (Show stopping ball, close control and long touches with running with the ball)

close control, big toe/big toe, head up some (hard for little ones) slowly if needed, different surfaces to control (inside,outside,right,left) 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing Bowling

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing Bowling
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Passing Bowling (10 mins)

Soccer Bowling

Set Up: set 10 cones - 2 sets for 2 groups. Have kids go at the same time so they are engaged -gate 5yds back, each player with a ball. coaches move around help correct technique, positive praise.

Activity: The player sets the ball down with hands, back up, and using proper passing technique, they try to knock as many cones down as possible. The coach picks up the knocked down cones and takes them out. Ask about how many points they have.

Coaching Points: Technical Shooting - using inside the foot, toe up, heel down or striking with laces. 

What is the best surface on my foot to use for close shots? 

Where should my plant foot be when shooting with laces?

Freeze and demo: (Show correct passing technique, show correct laces)

Body position (planting foot slightly ahead of the ball so your body is over the ball, eyes on the ball, lock your ankle, follow through, weight of the pass/shot, part of the foot, and part of the ball)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Moving Goal

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Moving Goal
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Moving Goal (10 mins)

Organization: 4-5 rounds x 1-2 mins, every player with a ball or passing with a pattern depending on the age

Activity: Players all have a ball

-2 coaches or coach and player move around a rope or foam noodle in the air, its a fake goal crossbar with the coaches as goalposts

-players try and score by dribbling thru/shooting thru/passing thru depending on the height of the goal and the focus point of your day

-can change the height, direction, angle etc. have fun and move around 

Coaching points - Technical - passing/shooting/dribbling technique, head up, move around 

Freeze and demo: (Show correct laces technique and side foot shooting)

toe up/heel down, correct body stance, eyes on the goal whole moving/head up

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