Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): 2003 Boys Preseason #8

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Pro-Club: OSU Force Academy

Jim Extra

Profile Summary

Jim Extra
Name: Jim Extra
City: Stittsville
Country: Canada
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Give and go introduction

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Give and go introduction
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Give and go introduction

Give and Go introduction

8 x 8 grid

Player 1 passes to player 2, player 2 passes to player 3, player 3 then passes to player 1 in the middle of the box and performs a give and go around player 2 who applies passive pressure to player 3. Player 3 receives the ball and goes around the box to the beginning. Player 1 takes player 2's spot while player 2 takes player 3's spot.


Passes on the proper foot

Player 2 must check away, check to, check shoulder, fix shape, receive on the half turn and use the far foot from the ball to pass to player 3. Player 3 must be sure to talk and call for the give and go and run around the defender, not in front

Player 2 must apply pressure with proper speed (too fast and the give and go isn't there, too slow and it isn't realistic)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Overlap Introduction

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Overlap Introduction
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Overlap Introduction

Overlap Introduction

8 x 8 grid

Player 1 passes to player 2, player 2 passes to player 3, player 3 takes a touch at player 1 who has moved in to provide passive defense, player 2 overlaps player 3, player 3 passes to player 2

Player 2 takes the ball and goes to the back of the cue.

Player 1 takes player 3's spot

Player 3 takes player 2's spot


Player 2 checks away, checks to, checks shoulder, fixes shape and receives on the half turn. Player 2 then makes a one touch pass to player 3 with the far foot from the ball. The passes need to stay outside the cones

Player 3 checks away, check to, checks shoulder, fixes shape and receievs on the half turn. Positive touch with far foot from the ball towards the defender.

Player 3 after they pass must run immediately and get around on the overlap. Player 3 must talk.


Player 3 works a trick instead of passing to player 2

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Jail Game Progression #2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Jail Game Progression #2
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Jail Game Progression #2

Jail Game Progression #2

A line of players behind a cone with balls. Another line of players next to them without balls. A 3rd line again next to them on the far side without balls. The line in the middle is the striker. Play commences as this striker runs between the 2 defenders and checks to the ball. Defenders must allow the striker to receive and now play begins. The 3 players attack the defenders based on where the passer moves. If the passer overlaps then the player not involved must prepare for a set pass in order to give support to the striker. If the passer prepares with an agle for a set then the 3rd player can split wide and up attempting to draw the attention of the defender and create a 2 vs 1.


Striker must check his inside shoulder after the check off, fix his shape and receive on the half turn. Now it's time to read and react to what the defense does.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Power and Finesse

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Power and Finesse
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Power and Finesse

Power and Finesse

Divide the team into 2. Coach passes the balls to the players. First shot is taken from outside the 18 (power with laces) then the shooter moves forward and takes a shot from about the penalty spot (finess, placement into a corner). The shooter scores no goals and is eliminated. The shooter scores 1 of 2 then they stay in the game and go behind the line with his teammates. If the shooter scores both then they can either save a fellow teammate who is eliminated already or challenge the other team to score both. If a challeneg is the choice and the opponent does not score both shots, they are eliminated. First team to lose all of their players loses.

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