Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Attacking Combos & Counterattacking

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Alan Riches
Name: Alan Riches
City: Elgin
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Attacking Combinations

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Attacking Combinations
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Attacking Combinations (10 mins)

Attacking Combinations

Practice Organisation

-Area 15x15yds, with small goal positioned 5yds behind centre of each line, as illustrated.

-8 players arranged 2 Blues v 2 Reds inside the practice area & 2 players from each team outside, as shown in the diagram.

-Practice starts with: Blue’s in possession within area, looking to pass to each other, and can use the blues supporting players on the outside.

-Blues attempt to score in any of the 4 perimeter goals defended by perimeter D’s

-If D’s inside the area gain possession: they become A’s & can use supporting players on outside, who in turn, look to score.

-If either team scores: they restart practice in possession

-If not: practice restarts with original set-up arrangements


-Practice may be speeded-up by cutting the corners (marked with cones), as shown in the diagram.

-Perimeter A’s & D’s move round area, supporting play & defending goals.

-Support play & communication between A’s & D’s as single unit & as separate units inside & outside practice area.

-Simple progressions for this practice are:

-- Add to number of players in practice to change overload (e.g 3v2, 4v3 etc)

-- A can dribble out of practice area & sore in any perimeter goal.

-- This can be conditioned by making a defined number of consecutive passes first.

-- If this happens; a perimeter player moves into practice area to maintain 2v2 balance

-- As need to make wall pass before being able to score.

Key Coaching Points

-Passing & moving techniques & shielding skills.

-A’s combining & working as a pair to deceive & elude D’s.

-Timing, weight & accuracy of pass

-Playing with head-up to assess potential passing opportunities to perimeter

-Individual dribbling skills to elude D & create time & space to pass.

-Composure in tight-marked situation

-Perimeter players’ awareness of need to defend/cover goals & be available to receive passes from internal area.

-Perimeter players need to react to change/loss of possession inside area & switch role.

U9’s – The players should be able to complete the Learning outcomes under passive pressure.

U10’s – The players should be able to complete the Learning outcomes at pace, under passive pressure.

U11’s – The players should be able to complete the Learning outcomes with increased pace, under passive pressure.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Attacking & Counter Attacking I

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Attacking & Counter Attacking I
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Attacking & Counter Attacking I (10 mins)

Attacking & Counter Attacking

Practice Organisation

-Area 40x20yrds, with 2 zones marked 10yds into each end.

-2 small goals at one end, to serve as targets & one normal goal, set back 5yds behind opposite end line, defended by GK, as illustrated.

-17 players (incl. GK) divided into 2 teams of 8 (Reds & Blues).

-Players in each team work in pairs

-All balls with Blues.

-Practice starts with: Blues serve ball forward to Reds, who send-out 2 players to receive & attack goal.

-Blues send out 1 player (A) to make 1v2.

-Reds objective is to get ball into Blues end zone & shoot at goal.

-If Blues defender wins ball: a 2nd Blue (B) takes a ball and attacks either of the 2 goals at opposite end to score.

-2 Reds become recovering D’s attempt to stop this.

-Reverse roles of teams after suitable period fo practice.


-Make sure organisations and pattern of practice is fully understood by players.

-For very young players: this may mean going through it with ball in hands first.

-Practice can be operated from an attacking or defending perspective.

-Emphasise needs to think about space and time and how this affects decision-making.

-Monitor physical load on GK.

-Simple progressions for this practice are:

-- If Blue Defender (A) wins ball in middle area: 2nd blue (B) can support to make 2v2 and attack small goals to score

-- If Blues D delays long enough (decided by the coach): 2nd Blue (B) can join in to create 2v2

-- Reds send out 3 A’s and Blues send out 2 D’s to create 3-2, with normal rules applying.

Key Coaching Points

-1v1 skills and individual attacking techniques

-Creating 2v1 passing opportunities with individual techniques

-Isolating individual D and making though pass to attack goal

-Shooting to score on the move, versus GK.

-Individual defending in 1v1 and 1v2 situations.

-Use of pitch perimeter to trap Attacker and deny pass to supporting player.

-Delaying and denying space to pass behind

-Recovering and blocking possible shots.

U9’s – The players should be able to complete the Learning outcomes under passive pressure.

U10’s – The players should be able to complete the Learning outcomes at pace, under passive pressure.

U11’s – The players should be able to complete the Learning outcomes with increased pace, under passive pressure.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Attacking & Combination play & defending as a unit

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Attacking & Combination play & defending as a unit
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Attacking & Combination play & defending as a unit (15 mins)

Attacking & Combination Play & Defending as a Unit

Practice Organisation

-Area 35x15yds, divided into 3 zones (15x15, 15x15, 5x15yds), as illustrated.

-1 appropriate size goal at one end and two small goals to serve as targets in corners, at the other.

-Supply of balls with coach

-8 Players arranged 4 Attackers v 2 Defenders plus a sweeper and GK, as shown in the diagram.

-Practice starts with; Coach Feeds pass into A’s, who attack the far goal.

-2 D’s are confined to middle zone and sweeper covers behind, remaining in end zone.

-4 A’s are able to operate in first 2 zones, but only 2 are allowed to move into end zone (versus sweeper & GK) to attack goal.

-If D’s gain possession; they play ball through either of 2 small goals/pairs of cones in opposite corner.

-Practice restarts with original set-up arrangements and ball fed-in by coach.


-Could be replaced by cones

-Coordination and team balance amongst A’s who need to work as a unit.

-Support play and communications amongst D’s, working as a unit Effective individual defending.

-Simple progressions for this practice are:

-- A’s make pre-determined number of consecutive passes before entering end zone.

-D’s allowed to drop/recover to assist sweeper and GK before entering end zone.

-A’s push 3rd player into end zone to support attack.

-D’s drop into end zone, to challenge A’s ability to break down a compact defence (4A’s allowed in end zone)

-Introduce off-side line to enable D’s to defend high.

Key Coaching Points

-As combining and working as a team to evade D’s initial defending line.

-Passing, movement and combination play to create space and release free receivers.

-Quality of passing and pass selection.

-Individual dribbling and shielding skills to evade D’s and create time and space to pass.

-Looking for penetration pass to enter end zone without being intercepted by sweeper.

-Passing angles and distances

-Composure in tight-marked situations and awareness of needs for patient build-up possession play.

-Seeking opportunities and selecting appropriate methods to shoot and score.

-D’s looking to play as a unit.

-Remaining compact and channelling play across the area

-Trapping players on side line.

U9’s – The players should be able to complete the Learning outcomes under passive pressure.

U10’s – The players should be able to complete the Learning outcomes at pace, under passive pressure.

U11’s – The players should be able to complete the Learning outcomes with increased pace, under passive pressure. 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Attacking & Counter Attacking II

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Attacking & Counter Attacking II
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Attacking & Counter Attacking II (20 mins)

Attacking & Counter Attacking II

Practice Organisation

-Area 65x20 yds, divided into 4 zones (30x20; 5x20; 20x20; 10x20yrds), as illustrated

-1 set of goals at each end, set back 5yds from practice area.

-15 players (incl. GK), arranged 4 Defenders (3 in practice area 1 on side) & 9 attackers (who operate in 3’s), as shown in the diagram.

-An off-side line may be drawn, or practice operates with (or without) normal off-side rules applying.

-Practice starts with; 3A’s receive ball rolled-out by GK & attack single D in 1st zone.

-Progress is made to 2nd zone (which is safe for A’s), prior to attacking 3rd zone which contains 2 D’s

-Objective is to score in opposite goal.

-D’s avoid safe zone until they have won the ball back.

-If D’s win possession they counter-attack opposite goal adding 4th D from side, as additional support.

-D’s rotate positions after each phase of attack.

-Practice recommences from GK as previously described.


-Size of area can be adjusted according to age & ability of players.

-Use of safe zone as “Breathing space” for preparation and planning.

-Simple progressions for this practice are:

-- Deploy a striker in each free play zone that both teams (attacking or counter-attacking) can use to make a quick forward pass to initiate attack.

-- Start practice with 4 A’s & allow D’s to use the 4th player from the side.

-A’s elect to start practice with 2 players & if they score; goal counts as double.

Key Coaching points

-Control, passing and support play skiills needed to keep possession and break through defensive lines created by D’s.

-Change of pace and angle of attack according to pressure, varying tempo to suit situation (not always fast)

-Rotation of movement and quick play when appropriate, maintaining “security” behind (do not attack in a “flat wave”).

-Looking for opportunities to move ball forward with good quality, speed and precision.

U9’s – The players should be able to complete the Learning outcomes under passive pressure.

U10’s – The players should be able to complete the Learning outcomes at pace, under passive pressure.

U11’s – The players should be able to complete the Learning outcomes with increased pace, under passive pressure. 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Counter Attacking

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Counter Attacking
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Counter Attacking (25 mins)

Counter Attacking

Practice Organisation

-Area 40x30yds, using penalty area divided into 2 zones (30x30 & 10x30yds), appropriate size goals at each end, as illustrated.

-14 players (incl 2GKs), arranged 5 Attackers v 7 Defenders, as shown in the diagram.

-Off-side lines may be drawn, or practice can operate with (or without) normal off-side rules applying.

-D’s leave 1 strker in advance zone who can try to win the ball early.

-Remaining D’s drop into deep zone and can only win ball back there.

-If D’s win ball: they counter-attack, playing initially through lone striker.

-If A’s regain possession whilst defending the counter-attack; D’s retreat back to deep zone to defend & practice continues with A’s in possession.

-When ball goes dead; -practice recommences with initial set-up arrangements.


-Size of area can be adjusted according to age and ability of players.

-This practice can be developed for counter-attacking or for play against a compact defensive block.

-Simple progressions for this practice are:

-- Reduce numerical advantage of D’s in deep zone.

-- Reverse overload, so that A’s have numerical advantage

Key coaching points

-D;s need to be patient, slide, cover and communicate

-D’s looking for interceptions and being aware of possibility to act fact and counter-attack, should the opportunity arise

-D’s require defensive security to safeguard against the possible threat of a counter of the counter-attacking from A’s

-A’s looking for quality of passing, movement and support play to break down the defensive block.

-D’s looking for opportunity to pass forward quickly with quality and precision to lone striker.

-Supporting runs, distances and angles by breaking players combining with lone striker.

U9’s – The players should be able to complete the Learning outcomes under passive pressure.

U10’s – The players should be able to complete the Learning outcomes at pace, under passive pressure.

U11’s – The players should be able to complete the Learning outcomes with increased pace, under passive pressure.

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