Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): Tactical - Finishing w/ Combination play

Profile Summary

Paul Gregory
Name: Paul Gregory
City: Coconut Creek
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Finishing (Semi opposed)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Finishing (Semi opposed)
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Finishing (Semi opposed) (20 mins)


1. Groups of 5-6 players per grid

2. Blue - Blue cones 25yds

3. Red - Red cones 12yds


1. Green players are semi-opposed defenders.

2. Green passes the ball to Central player. Green player places light pressure on ball.

3. Attacking players combine past defender to score on goals.

4. Rotation: Semi -opposed defender switches with central attacking player. Attacking player that shoots on goals becomes defender.

Coaching Points:

1. Take 1st touch 2-3 steps in front to create momentum and time to look up.

2. Place body behind ball.

3. Locate target ( head up)

4. Plant foot next to ball (Balance)

5. Make contact on the center of the ball

6. Follow through low & straight (end momentum 2 steps past shot)


1. Recognize where space is (behind defender = wall pass) ( in front of defender dribble at him and beat in 1v1)


Competition: 1 pt for finesse shot in goals

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 2v1 Opposed

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 2v1 Opposed
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2v1 Opposed

Organization: 6+ players, 4+ attackers, 2+ defenders; 25x20 yard field (15x20 yard area, 10x20 yard area)

Instructions: One defender will start with the ball at their feet in between the two pugg goals. One attacker will start at opposide end of field with another attacker starting on either side of the field at the middle. The DEF will play a pass to Attacker A then quickly close the ball (DEF must enter and stay on 15x20 yd area) and at the same time Attacker B will enter the area to create a 2v1 game in the area. Attackers will look to beat the DEF by executing the WALL PASS or simply beating the defender with the ball. (If Attacker beats DEF with ball, then will look to finish with finesse from distance once entering 10x20 yd area. If Attackers execute WALL PASS, return pass from the WALL player must enter 10x20 yd area and scored w/ 1 touch). If DEF wins the ball, they will dribble out of area.

Coaching Points: 1. Accuracy/pace of pass, 2. WHEN/WHERE to execute, 3. Vision to see open space, 3. Check at angle to receive pass, 4. Finesse finish into the goal (inside foot pass for placement in corners of the goal), 5. Patience/timing of execution

***PROGRESSION: Add a DEF and ATT --- DEF will play ball then close space, and same time an attacker will come and support providing depth (look for windows b/w DEFs)

Function: Getting the player on the ball to take open space forward while drawing in the oncoming defender to commit to the ball; good for when CM is looking to combine with RM/LM and vise verse to get behind the line of DEF. During progression, CM should look to find CF w/ direct pass who then can return the wall pass to CM or even look for the run of RM/LM down the line. Players are giving the ability to make their own decisions while on the ball, when to attack, and when to keep possession

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned Game
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Conditioned Game

Organization: 9+ players, 4v4 + 1; 45x30 yard field

Instructions: A game of 4v4+1 will be field in the middle part of the field. Instructions to this game are alike from last activity: Attackers will look to beat the defenders by executing the WALL PASS to get behind defense or simply beating the defender with the ball. (If Attacker beats DEF with ball, then will look to finish with finesse from distance once entering 10x20 yd area. If Attackers execute WALL PASS, return pass from the WALL player must enter 10x20 yd area and scored w/ 1 touch). The difference in this activity is that 1 defender may enter the final 1/3 to prevent a goal.

***1pt for every goal scored in pugg goal

***2pts for every successful wall pass around a defender

Coaching Points: 1. Accuracy/pace of pass, 2. WHEN/WHERE to execute WALL PASS, 3. Vision to take the open space quickly when available, 3. Check at angle to receive pass, 4. Finesse finish into the goal (inside foot pass for placement in corners of the goal), 5. Patience/timing (when v. when not to)

Function: Players are now put into game situations where they must solve problems against an opposition. Patience as well as proper execute of the Wall Pass will be tested. I want to see the players use the wall pass, but if pass is not available are the players looking to change the point of attack and/or keep possession. The team's formation should be Diamond shaped.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Free Play

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Free Play
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Free Play (20 mins)


1. 4v4

2. 35x25

3. Two goals 5 yds apart to simulate areas in the goal we want player to finish in.

Coaching points:

Minimal coaching - give players ideas or bring tindividual to the side to show how to improve finishing technique.

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