Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): C3W1S1 - First touch Away from Opponent (Start Time: 2016-03-14 17:00:00)

Profile Summary

Jarrad Hiles
Name: Jarrad Hiles
City: Toronto
Country: Australia
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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First Touch – Away from opponent to protect the ball

Session Objective:

+ Can you take your first touch away from the opposition in order to protect the ball?

+ Encourage the use of both feet, inside/outside of feet/sole,

+ open up your body to see the whole field, + decide next action before receiving the ball

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Skill Intro

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Skill Intro
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Skill Intro (20 mins)


Area 10x20m (divided into 2 squares). Adjust size to suit numbers.

Two equal teams are placed in each square with one ball each. The team is restricted to their own square. Players must pass the ball quickly around their own square, following these instructions:

 Restricted to two touch only

 One touch only

 Passing player must shout a number “One or Two”. Receiving player has that amount of touches.

 Players must pass the ball without talking “total Silence.

Looking For:

 Quick exchange of the ball

 Can you open your body in order to see the whole field (vision)

 Decide your next action before receiving the ball

 Make angles to support player on the ball

 Play the ball how you’d like to receive it

 Touch, play and move

 Keep it Simple


Same setup as PART 1 however one team starts with the ball. The team is restricted to their own square. The team with the ball play possession. Two players from the other square move in to make it 5v2. If the ball is won by the two defenders the drill is swapped to the opposite square, now 2 blue players become defenders. Change defenders regularly. 6 passes equals a goal.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Skill Training

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Skill Training
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Skill Training (25 mins)

3 v 3 + Joker in the middle of a 20 x 20m grid. 4 bouncers around the outside. Adjust setup to suit numbers.

Start off playing a possession game where the inside players can hit any outside bouncer. Bouncers are to take no more than 2 two touches and must keep the ball moving. To score a goal the team in posession must play all four bouncers on the outside. Rotate bouncers.


Can only play your own bouncer - 6 passes equals a goal

Cannot play back to the same bouncer you received the ball from

Bouncers now enter the game when receiving the pass

All players play 2 touch

Coaching Points:

Can you scan the field and decide your next action before receiving the ball

Can you take the ball in the driection of your next action (run/pass)

Can you use both feet to control the ball

Can you open up your body to see the whole picture

Can you encourage and communicate with your teammates.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Skill Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Skill Game
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Skill Game (20 mins)

Adjust size to suit player numbers

- split team up into Attackers, Defenders & 2 Target Players. Use a joker if odd numbers

- 2 Goals set up as shown


- Players are split into two teams & play possession game Attack vs Defense inside playing area

- Two Target Players (one either end) are part of the game & are on two touch

- Team in possession must play into a Target Player before looking to score in either goal from outside the coned area.

- If Defenders win the ball the same process must happen. Target Player before scoring

- After set time rotate the Target Players

Coaching Points

- Pass: Accuracy, selection & Weight

- Possession: Win the ball, play the ball & keep it moving

- Awareness: always check space & surroundings before, during & after receiving

- Support: Be in a position to receive & help team mate in possession

- movement/mobility

- Finishing: Be positive & ruthless in front of goal!


- Target Players cannot lay back to team mate who passed the ball (3rd man)

- Attacking team has two touch

- One touch finishes

- After using Target Player they can enter area to help overload!

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Skill Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Skill Game
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Skill Game (20 mins)

In a 40x40m area have one team attacking the big goal, the other the two pop up goals. Stand back and ecourage and applaud when players display great first touch and awareness. Swap ends regularly so both teams are getting a chance to finish against the keeper.

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