Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Revolution - Session 9 (S17) (Start Time: 2017-05-03 16:00:00)

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Charles Spingler

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Charles  Spingler
Name: Charles Spingler
City: Montclair
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Turning Technique(s): introduce / teach Cryuff turn.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up - Turning Circle

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up - Turning Circle
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Warm Up - Turning Circle (10 mins)


Set up a 12 yard circle with a tall cone in the middle

Players on the outside edge - evenly spread around the circle

Begin with 1 ball & (depending on # of players) *See progression below


-Players dribbles out the middle cone and performs a turn then passes the ball to another player waiting on the circumference.

-Have the players shout their teammates name so they have their head up and know who they are passing to.

-Can not pass to the same person 2X in a row

Coaching Points:

-Head up

-Positive first touch and quick / controlled aproach to turning cone

-Ramp up the intensity & ensure that the players progress to their top speed


-Add or subtract balls to challenge / engage the players (depends on #'s & proficiency)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Turning - Inspire Creativity

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Turning - Inspire Creativity
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Turning - Inspire Creativity (10 mins)


-30x20 yrd rectangle

-Simple set-up - 5 tall cones

Instructions: Each player with their own ball. Encourage them to display their creativity and to try moves they know, watch others and try their moves. Coach will initially observe to see what is performed and then demonstrate additional options to consider / challenge the players.

Coach should introduce and demonstrate Cryuff turn.

Coaching Points:

-Keep it simple; inspire creativity and free play

-Encourage each player to try somthing new

-Find players putting forth good effort(s) & recognize

-Select players to demonstrate their move to the group

-Ensure players are getting their head up coming out of a turn

-Ensure players are able to get the ball out from under their feet coming out of a turn

Cryuff Turn:

-Place plant foot down wide of the ball with toe pointed 180 degrees (opposite) of the direction the player is going to turn

-Right foot turn; plant foot is on left side of ball

-Left foot turn; plant foot is on right side of ball

-Make sure that there is sufficient space between the plant foot and the ball, so ball does not hit the plant foot on the turn

-Bring the big toe of the kicking foot behind the ball

-Take the touch behind the plant foot and spin / pivot out the opposite way

-Make the touch big travel so the soccer ball does not get caught in the players feet, which requires a slight flick with the players big toe to get the ball moving


-Players to try there moves against the cones in the area; take on & turn into space or turn away from danger

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Turning - Technique

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Turning - Technique
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Turning - Technique (10 mins)


- Players evenly spread out among 4 corners

- Each player with ball


- Players dribble towards middle cone

- Perform specific turn and return to their line

- Next player goes

- Inside Chop R & L, Outside Chop R & L, Pull Back, U-Turn, Cryuff

Coaching Points:

- Quick but controlled Approach

- Execution of turning technique

- Body position: between defender & the ball

- Head Up & accelerate after skill move move


- Relay Race / Keep track of turns as team

- Perform any turn you want

- Take out middle cone, players must turn on person diagonally across from them

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Turning - Conditioned game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Turning - Conditioned game
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Turning - Conditioned game (15 mins)


-20yd X 30 yd area

-Each player with a ball

-1 goal


-Groups of 3 or 4 to be mindful of work : rest ratio

-Players rac through a course comprised of three (3) lines 7 yards apart, once they cross a line they must turn and go back to the previous line, before advancing to the next one.

-Upon crossonging all 3 lines they shoot/pass into a small goal.

-1st one to successfully cross 3 lines and score is the winner and will advance to the finals

-2nd round will require a specific turn: today it is the Cryuff turn.

Coaching Points:

-Head up

-Efficient / effective turns

-Ball out of your feet to accelerate after turn

-Demand proper technique


Points for 1st, 2nd 3rd place or do heats to a medal round. Make it competitve but do not allow quality to diminish.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Turning - Skill Challenge (midseason baseline)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Turning - Skill Challenge (midseason baseline)
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Turning - Skill Challenge (midseason baseline) (15 mins)


3/4 players perform at a time

5x5 yard area

Coach records scores for mid-season skill baseline


- Player dribbles across the square, starting outside the area

- Player crosses opposite side of area, leaving square

- Point is scored when player crosses area and ball crosses line- Challenge lasts for 30 seconds

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Small-sided games

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Small-sided games
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Small-sided games (30 mins)

Organization: Small sided game(s) Tournament Play.

4 teams: 3pts W, 2pts D, 1pt L. 7-minute games.

Gold & Bronze Medal Match.

Instructions: Play 3 vs 3 where possible, 2 vs 2 if numbers necessitate.

Coaching Points: -Can players take-on / turn on players and create an advantage?

Can they get their head-up & deliver a dangerous pass - or - take a shot on goal.

Progressions: *1st two games only - goals created through use of a service set-up by a cryuff turn count double.

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