Football/Soccer Session (Difficult): 02.18.14 Dribbling 1v1. Gra 1v1 (Start Time: 2014-02-18 18:30:00)

Profile Summary

Billy Abbott
Name: Billy Abbott
City: Huddersfield
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Rondo 4v2+2. Dziadek 4v2+2.

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Rondo 4v2+2. Dziadek 4v2+2.
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Learning Objectives

Technical Tactical
If we loose the ball, try and win it back ASAP. Jeśli tracimy piłkę jak najszybciej odzyskujemy.

Rondo 4v2+2. Dziadek 4v2+2. (50 mins)

2'N, 3'Z, 3'Ż, N, 4'Z, 4'C, N, 4'Z, 4'Ż, N, 3'Z, 3'C, N

1. 3x8x5m get up starts

2. Rondo 4v2+2

If the blues win back the ball they play it to the 2 blues in the other square and its 4Bv2R in the right square.

1. 3x8x5m z leżenia, siadu itd.

2. Dziadek 4v2+2

Jeśli niebiescy odbierają piłkę, grają do swoich Zawodników i przebiegają. Gramy wtedy 4Nv2C

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Dribbling game. Gra z dryblingiem.

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Dribbling game. Gra z dryblingiem.
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Dribbling game. Gra z dryblingiem. (10 mins)

3. Dribbling game (10')

For every player you dribble past 2pts. If you dribble from start to finish 10pts. For every player tackled 1pt

3. Gra z dryblingiem (10')

Za przejście każdego Zawodnika po 2pkt. Jeśli przedryblujemy wszystkich 10pkt. Za odbiór piłki 1pkt.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Interval games. Gry interwałowe.

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Interval games. Gry interwałowe.
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Learning Objectives

Technical Physical
Have a constant supply of balls. Jak najwięcej piłek z boku.

Interval games. Gry interwałowe. (20 mins)

4. 1v1 back to goals 4x1' (10')

5. 2v1 to goal (10')

Each pair defends 2'

4. 1v1 tyłem do bramek 4x1' (10')

5. 2v1 ze strzałem na bramkę (10')

Każda para broni 2'

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Defending free kicks. Rzuty wolne w obronie (10')

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Defending free kicks. Rzuty wolne w obronie (10')
Save Image: Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Defending free kicks. Rzuty wolne w obronie (10') Create Video:

Learning Objectives

Technical Tactical
At arms length.

Defending free kicks. Rzuty wolne w obronie (10') (10 mins)

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