Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): U8 Sept Camp Week 2

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Brian Seifert

Profile Summary

Brian Seifert
Name: Brian Seifert
City: Sacramento
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Training for U8 players focusing on ball mastery and agility/coordination. Five stations 10-12 minutes each. Do 2 stations, give a water break, 2 stations water break. If a player wants water, let them get it. Don't stop for water too often unless there is excessive heat. Purple cones are social distance markers. Make sure waiting players are on a purple cone. Always end each session with a cheer. This training is or both practice days in the same week. i.e This training is for Monday and Wednesday. 

Player numbers:

2013: M/W 15   T/R 24  

2014: M/W 20  T/R 19

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Shooting

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Shooting
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ORGANIZATION (Physical Environment / Equipment /Players)

2 goals, 15 yards apart, cones to mark shooting zone.


Players dribble to the cones, take a "set up touch" then strike the ball with their laces. Focus on proper shooting technique. Touch away, shoot with laces, arm out for balance. Player retrieves their ball and go to the cone next to the goal.

Day 1: Right foot, Day 2 left foot Orange=Right Foot, Yellow=left foot.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4 Cone Zoom Line

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4 Cone Zoom Line
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4 Cone Zoom Line

ORGANIZATION (Physical Environment / Equipment / Players)

4 cones set 1 yard apart. 4 cones and 1 ball per player


w/o Ball 30 seconds of activity. 20-20 seconds of rest

Run forward/backward

skip forward/backward

side shuffle

1 foot jump over each cone

Shuffle through forward/backward

w/ball 4 times each

weave using any surface of the foot

weave inside cut through cones

weave right foot only

weave left foot only

4-6 times each

Right foot only/inside cut around last cone

Left foot only/inside cut around last cone.

Right foot only/outside cut around cone

Left foot only, outside cut around cone,

Right foot to cone, pull back, left foot return

Right foot to cone sole turn, right foot return

Left foot to cone, sole turn, left foot return

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Target Dribble

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Target Dribble
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Target Dribble

ORGANIZATION (Physical Environment / Equipment / Players)

Cones 2 yards apart with cones 8 yards across, 1 ball per player, Maximum players per line.


Dribble to gates: Players dribble with outside of toe toward the cone. They will do the move through the gate and switch feet. Do each skill for several minutes. Allow them to freestyle (choose any move or do a different move at each cone). Progression: fake-take, inside foot chop, sole hook, V, scissors, 1-2. Coaching points: set-up touches away, do your move before the cone. 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Modified Sharks and Minnows

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Modified Sharks and Minnows
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Modified Sharks and Minnows

ORGANIZATION (Physical Environment /Equipment / Players)

Each player needs a ball and a lane 12 yd long and minimum 7 yards wide.


Coach says "Go!". Players try and dribble safely to the other side of the grid. If they go out of their area or the coach touches their ball with a pool noodle, player must do 10 toe touches, ball boxes, or other foot skill before going safely to the end.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Knock Down Challenge

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Knock Down Challenge
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Knock Down Challenge

ORGANIZATION (Physical Environment /Equipment / Players)

1 ball per player. Disc cones 10 yards apart to mark starting point for each player and 1 cone per 2 players in the middle to use as target.


Standing behind their disc cone, players try to pass or shoot the ball and knock over the cone. If cone is knocked over, coach must put it back up. 1 minute game. Change opponent after each game.

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