Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): Session 2 & 3: Movements

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David Scarth

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David Scarth
Name: David Scarth
City: Aberdeen
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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This is the last week of a full session of drills. We are going to continue with all our movements this block and try and to put them into practical examples of what can happen in a game. We would like to see short, sharp foot movements, quick bursts of speed, watching the ball and movements around the GK. We want the ball secured 1st time as all rebounds will be live this week. 


Balls (4 & 5)

Large cones

Mannequins x 4

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): High Ball

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): High Ball
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High Ball (15 mins)

High Ball       (3 groups)


To give some practice with the GK's catching the ball above their heads and possibly even jumping in the air to catch the ball. We would like to see the GK jumping and looking up, does he use his arms to give him that extra little bit of upwards momentum?


The GK will start on the red marker and facing a 45-degree angle, (corner positioning) (this gives his the best possible view of the pitch in front of him). He MUST be looking for the moving ball and when it's in-flight he can not take his eyes off it)  the c will throw the ball up in the air and the GK is to judge the movement of the ball and catch the ball above his head.


The GK is to face the c and the ball can go front, back or to either side (free kick positioning, although depending on where the ball is placed through the game he may want to have a more open stance{corner})

{Include the mannequin}

Coaching points

  • The GK is watching the movement of the ball and making positive movements
  • The catch is made above head height and if possible involves a jump. If the jump is used the GK should be lifting his outside knee to give him some protection from oncoming players
  • The landing is firm and balanced and the ball is held above the head for a short period of time
  • Is the GK making sideways or forward movements towards the ball?

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Oops

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Oops
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Oops (15 mins)

Oops        (2 groups)


To give the GK a series of movements from taking the high ball to distribution to finally saving a shot on goal with a defender chasing from behind. 


The GK will start in his goal set for a corner. c1 will put a high ball into the goal area for the GK to take over his head and with a jump. 

The GK will then distribute the ball out to the feet of c2.


As the ball is distributed to c2, A will steal the ball and move towards the goal and shoot, c2 will become a defender and give chase to the attacking player. 

Coaching points

  • Loud, clear shouting from the GK
  • Quick movements to get into the various positions needed during the drill
  • Ball being secured or put to safety all the time
  • Does the GK follow the ball out of position or is he static?

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Quick movement

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Quick movement
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Quick movement (20 mins)

Quick movement


To see the GK making quick movements off his line in order to gather a ball. We will move onto having a stolen ball being played but with the help of a defender in front of the ball


The GK starts on his line and in the centre of the goal. c1 will roll or throw the ball into various parts of the 'box' for the GK to race out and gather.


1. Halfway to the ball c2 steals the ball but still has to get past the defender (d) in order to have a shot on goal. (15 seconds max in order to get a shot away)

Coaching points

  • Fast foot movements to build up speed in the rush to get to the initial ball. 
  • Does the GK remain in the forward position or retreat to his line - why???
  • Trigger points for correct set position???

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Awareness

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Awareness
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Awareness (15 mins)

Awareness         (2 groups)


To see the GK's reactions to losing possession very quickly and having to defend an attacking position


The GK starts with the ball in any position of his goal. He will pass / throw the ball out to c1 (who stole it from a defender), c1 will now move to behind a mannequin where he decides if he is going to attack the goal himself or pass to c2 who controls and shoots on goal. 


d is not helping the GK and must try to break up any play in front of him (30 seconds play max)

Coaching points

  • How quick does the GK react to the change of possession
  • Communication with his defender
  • Eyes on the ball all the time
  • Secures the ball 1st time

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Movement

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Movement
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Movement (20 mins)

Movement         (2 groups)


To see the GK working when there are a series of movements happening in front of him and finishing with a shot on goal. 


The GK will start with the ball anywhere in his goal area. The GK will pass or throw the ball to c1 who will control and pass to c2, he will control and pass the ball to c3.

c3 will pass the ball across field for c2 to run onto to control and shoot


Once c1 has passed the ball, he will become a defender and try to stop any shot on goal (30 seconds max play).

c3 has to make at least 1 pass before any shot on goal but there can be any amount of passes!

Coaching points

  • The GK is always watching the ball and making appropriate movements.
  • The GK is watching for trigger points and setting in the correct position
  • Can the GK secure the ball 1st time so that there are no rebounds?

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