Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): G07 W10 S1 Defensive Organization -Pressing and Protecting the Goal

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Steven Corcoran

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Steven Corcoran
Name: Steven Corcoran
City: Stamford
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4v2 Rondo

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4v2 Rondo
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4v2 Rondo (5 mins)

Set Up: 12*12 grid. Supply of balls on the outside. Two set ups.

Players: 8 players per grid. 4 attackers along the outside. 2 defenders in the middle.

Description: Play 4v2 rondo. Rotate defenders every 2 minutes. Rotate attackers half way through.

Key Factors:

1. First defender - speed/angle of approach. Make play predictable. Proper body shape/balance.

2. Second defender - angle/distance of support. Play off the shoulder of the first defender.

3. Communication.

4. Decision making - who presses/who drops. Don't get split.

5. Arrive as the ball arrives.

6. Cues to press: bad touch, bad pass, bounce, indecision, etc.


1. Add an attacker in the middle.

2. Allow outside attackers to enter the grid.

Questions: Who pressures the ball? Who offers support? What can I tell my teammate when supporting them? If first defender is beat, now what?

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Possession - Passing between the lines

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Possession - Passing between the lines
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Possession - Passing between the lines (10 mins)

Organisation - Boys split into 2 teams of 6. Each team begins with a ball.

Players work on playing passes between the opposite team. If they can't play forwards keep the ball moving in their zone until a gap appears to play forwards.

Defending team must stay compact

pressure, cover and balance

Who? When? How?

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing & receiving in Position

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing & receiving in Position
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Passing & receiving in Position (10 mins)

Objective Improve quality of the pass, receiving on the back foot, quality of the finish.

Organization Start drill passing & receiving to finish, two goals with GKs, two lines of players with ball, wide players, central players.Ball starts from the 5, 6 checks out receivies on their back foot and plays to 2, 2 plays into 9 and the pattern starts over again.

Coaching Points Visual checking, verbal communication, quality of the pass, first touch into space receiving.

Interval Duration 4 min then change direction (8 min total each progression).

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing & receiving with shooting

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing & receiving with shooting
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Passing & receiving with shooting (10 mins)


Going to goal, same pattern as before now the 9 plays back to the 2 or 3 and they finish.

1.Assess the goalkeepers position

2.The final touch will set up the shot

3.Shot low across the goalkeeper to the far post

4.Accuracy before power

5.Disguise – chips, swerve


Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing and receiving with forward moves

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing and receiving with forward moves
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Passing and receiving with forward moves (10 mins)

Organization - 1 passes with appropriate weight and accurcy - visual cue of receiving in open body shape, so passes to back foot

- 2 checks off start point at appropriate time to create seperation and receives using back foot in open body shape

- 2 passes to 3 who receives with positive 1st touch that drives into space towards DEF. At appropriate distance executes forward move to beat and exploit space behind then plays a give and go with the player at cone 1, giving a leading pass for that player to shoot.

-The player who shoots retrives the ball and joins line 4. The drive forward and preform a forward move and pass to number 5 then the pattern starts again.

Coaching Points

1.Exploit space, get 1st touch out of body, into space to make up ground

2.Assess the defenders position, angle and distance of approach

3.Keep ball close to body as you approach the defender

4.Use maneuver to beat the defender – use your body or the ball

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Directional Possession

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Directional Possession
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Directional Possession (15 mins)

Directional Possession


"change it" or "Switch it"

"release out of pressure"

- two teams in the middle with neutrals on either end of the field

- team looks to play one side of the square, keep possession and play the opposite side = 1 point

- if possession is lost, you must restart

- 90 sec games, rotate neutrals


Quickly find and exploit open space

Find passing lanes that are able to "break lines" or take defenders out of the play

If possession is lost, try and win the ball back under 5 seconds.

Angle and distance of support

Manipulate the ball to create space



Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SCRIMMAGE - 6V6 Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SCRIMMAGE - 6V6 Game
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SCRIMMAGE - 6V6 Game (20 mins)


* Set up a pitch 35x50yds

* Two teams set up in a 2-2-1

Coaching Points:

1. In Possession: When GK has ball, 2CB's spilt wide, 3MF's and CF go as high and wide as possible.

2. Out of Possession: Nearest player must press the ball. All others cover and eliminate passing options.

Individual Roles & Responsibilities

GK: Always been available to support the ball, control ball with back foot to switch play.

Defenders: Split when GK gets ball, support Mids in possession of the ball.

Mids: Available to receive the ball from Defenders and support Forward. Always be available to receive the ball support from behind.

Forwards: Stay ahead of the ball, give Mids options to pass to when in possession of the ball.

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button