Hockey Session (Transition Phase): HWHC 20-6-21 U12 - U18 (Goal Scoring)

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Pro-Club: Hampstead & Westminster Hockey Club

Alexandra Smart

Profile Summary

Alexandra Smart
Name: Alexandra Smart
City: London
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Hockey
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This session focuses on goal scoring. Encourage players to think about successful ways to reach a goal scoring opportunity, as well as skills and technique to put the ball in the goal.

Highlight the importance of body position in front of goal to be able to execute a shot, and having your stick on the ground in the D. Discourage a big hit unless a player is at the top of the D!

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Multiple Scoring Game

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Multiple Scoring Game
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Multiple Scoring Game


  • Attacking overload - Eg. 5 vs 3, 6 vs 3, 6 vs 4, 7 vs 4.
  • Attacking team have multiple ways of scoring points:
    • Main goal (3 points).
    • Mini goals (2 points).
    • Carry or pass into a wide channel (1 point).
    • Carry or pass into the box in front of the D (1 point).
  • Objective for defenders - win possession and take the ball with control to the halfway line (or a marker you indicate).
  • Give the attacking team a set time, or number of balls / rounds to score as many points as they can.
  • Swap the defenders.
  • Create other ways of scoring points - or ask players to come up with ways of scoring points (Eg. 3 consecutive passes within your team, or reverse stick shot).

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Goal Scoring Competition

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Goal Scoring Competition
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Goal Scoring Competition


  • Two teams, either side of the goal.
  • Goalkeeper or barrier in the middle of the goal (tyre, pitch divider, cones).
  • Alternating sides, ball is fed to the player in the box who should control the ball into the D and shoot before the row of yellow cones.
  • The shooter should not stop the ball and should take minimal touches before shooting.
  • Keep track of the score for each team.
  • Swap sides.

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Attacking Overload on Goal

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Attacking Overload on Goal
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Attacking Overload on Goal


  • 5 v 2 / 4 v 2 / 7 v 3, etc - any combination works, just don't crowd the playing space you have. If necessary, have teams of attackers and defenders that rotate into play after each round.
  • Attackers - score in goal.
  • Defenders - score in either side goal.
  • Swap attack / defence so players have a turn in all positions.


  • Bigger overload of attackers.
  • Give defenders zones to work in - high/low or left/right.
  • Constraints - time on the ball, limit number of touches.
  • Encourage players to think about getting the ball forward as fast as they can.

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Working with GKs

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Working with GKs
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Working with GKs


  • Ball is fed or shot at goal from top of the D.
  • Play the rebound for a 3 v 1 against the keeper.

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Working with GKs

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Working with GKs
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Working with GKs


  • Ball is fed into the D for the baseline attacker to run onto.
  • Second GK (if you have one) is also an attacker aiming to score (using feet).
  • One defender to jump back and support GK.
  • Aim for defence is to get the ball out of the D.
  • 4 v 2 (inc GK in goal) but can work with various number combinations.

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): End Zone Game

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): End Zone Game
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End Zone Game


  • Mark out a playing area using pitch lines or cones for an end zone at either end.
  • Players must carry or pass into their end zone to score.
  • Lots of goals should be scored!
  • Players should not wait for the ball into the end zones, everyone should be active.
  • If you have keepers, they can defend just outside the end zones. The should be moving a lot!


  • Increase the size of end zones / playing area.
  • Reward early passes or target number of passes to reach the end zone.
  • Reduce the size of the end zones.
  • Constraints - touches on the ball, time on the ball.

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