Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Shooting Session

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James Campbell

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James Campbell
Name: James Campbell
City: liverpool
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Blocked

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Blocked
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Blocked (5 mins)

Player A recieves a pass from player B and takes a first time shot at goal number 1

Player A then sprints to the blue line and recieves a pass from player C and has a first time shot at goal 2

Player A then moves to become Player C

Player C moves to become player B who moves to the back of the line

Conditions: Number of touches before shot

Number goals 1 to 2 - Coach calls which goal to score in.

Technical: How to shoot: Eye on the ball, Body over the ball, Planted foot alongside the ball, Inside (direction) Outside (power) Laces (power)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Variable

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Variable
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Variable (5 mins)

Player A passes to Player B who plays a one two.

After recieving the one two Player A will pass to Player C and again get a one two from them.

Player C will then become active as a defender and have to stop Player A from scoring.

Player A cant shoot until the coach shouts what goal they need to shoot at. 1 or 2

6 to 12 players.

Practice: Shooting drill starting with minimum 2 players on each cone.

Key technical points:

How to shoot; Eye on the ball, body over the ball to keep the shot low. Planted foot alongside the ball. Decision making with the defender.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Small Sided Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Small Sided Game
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Small Sided Game (10 mins)

Small Sided Game

Players can only shoot/score in the shaded area where there is one defender allowed

Game realistic, High tempo

Could restrict touches in the middle

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Reflection

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Reflection
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Reflection (10 mins)


Today we worked on a shooting session, It was a basic session where the player who starts with the ball gets a 1-2 from the player on the cone. He then repeats the process with the player on the second cone and then has a first time shot. Moving to the opposed drill where there is a defender to beat before you take your shot.

How was i feeling ?

Before the session i felt a little nervous as this is a new group. I felt however that the players would be able to do the session with no problems.

What was good and bad about the experience ?

I think the good aspects of the session where that the session was planned and thought out. However the bad elements of the session where that there was only me and another coach to handle the group. This was due to people not communicating and a mix up with who should be there

Action Plan

If i was to do this session again i would do it somewere with more space so i could have two groups going at once. I would also make sure i had adequate help to run the session. I would incorperate challenges between the teams to encourage competition. This could be is to put bibs in the top corners with 2 points given for hitting them in a allotted time. I would also try to do the session with more advanced players.

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