Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Entrenamiento sant feliu (Start Time: 2019-01-22 18:30:00)

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Jaume Canals

Profile Summary

Jaume Canals
Name: Jaume Canals
City: Oswestry
Country: Spain
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up: Passing and Receiving

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up: Passing and Receiving
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Warm Up: Passing and Receiving (15 mins)


- 12 Players

- 20 x 20 area with a central midfield marked area big enough for 5 players. Remaining players on the outside.


- Ball is passed to CM from outside players and players work through following actions:

- CM passes back and then finds another player to receive pass from

- CM receives a pass and then passes to another player (ball has to start with CM)

- Switch CM every 10 passes

Coaching Points:

- Constant movement and support.

- First touch positive

- All players ready to pass or receive and calling for ball

- Players receiving pass must step to the ball

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing Warm up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing Warm up
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Passing Warm up (20 mins)

Objective: Work on passing rhythm. Use every part of the players foot to pass and dribble the ball.

Set up: As shown, set up a grid for 8 players.

Instructions: Player(s) A start with the ball. Players pass and move in the order shown above (A-B-C-D). After a while make it competive by timing them, limiting their touches or have them compete against another group.

Key words: Open up, use your back foot, take a touch if needed

Guided Questions: 1. Where should I look to play the ball? 2.Why play in touch? 3. What can we do with the ball if our teammate isnt ready?

Answers: 1. Always loom to play the way your facing. 2. In order to get used to playing the ball quickly. 3. Hold the ball and pass it once your teammate calls for it .

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 7 v 7 Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 7 v 7 Game
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7 v 7 Game (25 mins)


Indoor turf field.

Supply of balls along the outside and in the goals.

7v7 including 2 GKs

Pinnies and cones

Retreat line marked with cones at one-third


LOTG apply, including retreat line.

Minimal coaching required. Coaches only to remind players of playing ball quickly from kick-ins or dribble-ins, and when playing out of the back from the goal keeper. Coaches can use this time to demonstrate to goal keepers how to play quickly from the back and how to move the ball forward on a live ball.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 2
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2 (15 mins)

Type: Passing, Receiving, Finishing

Team Function: Finishing in/out of the box

Zones: Attacking zone

Duration: 15 minutes

Objectives: Introducing players to different types of finishes

Emphasis: Good striking technique to get ball on target

Coaching Points: Part of foot/ball with different type of finish

Organization: 6 lines, Balls at A&B

Equipment: Disc cones, Balls

Goals: Players having the ability to confidentally finish 1&2 touch

Instructions: Player B will pass the ball to player C who will look to take 2 touches and finish on goal. After they finish on goal, Player A will play a ball to player C who will look to finish 1 touch. Rotation is A>B>C


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Back/Forward: Drag timeline button