Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Pine Glen Session - Possession (Start Time: 2018-01-23 19:15:00)

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Michael Sartor

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Michael Sartor
Name: Michael Sartor
City: Oakville
Country: Canada
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Possession - GAG - Pine Glen Session

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Initial Game - Possession Focus

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Initial Game - Possession Focus
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Initial Game - Possession Focus (15 mins)


Area - Full field; 4 small pug nets, 4 cones along half way line


1. 3 Teams; 4 players/team

2. 4 attackers in each half; 2 passive defenders standing on half line, 2 active defenders to try and win the ball

3. Attackers need to pass ball around and keep away from active defenders; attackers look to pass the ball along the ground to the attacking players in the other half of the field

4. Attackers receive 1 point for switching the ball to the other side; they receive an additional point if they switch sides by playing through the wide cones and an additional 2 points when they play through the centre line with the 2 passive defenders on it

5. When the ball switches sides the attacking team must make 5 passes before switching play

6. When you switch sides, the defenders switch roles

7. If defender wins the ball they can score on the 2 small goals

8. Rotate teams to play as defenders


1. Defenders in the middle become active

2. Only 2 passes before you can switch play

3. Ball can be delivered on the ground or in the air

Key Possession Principles:

1. Communication/Eye Contact

2. Angles (in front, behind, beside)

3. Distance (near, far & wide)

4. Support the man

5. Support the ball

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activity - Possession

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activity - Possession
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Activity - Possession (20 mins)


Area: Divide quarter of the field into thirds, get the 3 grids going at the same time. 4 players per grid; grid size is 25 x 25

Activity: Start with figure 1 and then progress to figures 2 and 3.

1. FIG 1: Player A plays to Player B, A follows his pass. B receives across his body and plays to C, B follows his pass. C receives across body and plays to A, C follows his pass. Repeat. Go 5 times counter clockwise, then 5 times clockwise. Blue player is a passive defender. Rotate defenders after each rotation.

2. FIG 2: A plays to B. A supports ball and B plays back to A who plays into a spinning B. B then repeats process with C. Always follow your pass.Blue player is a passive defender. Rotate defenders after each rotation.

3. FIG 3: A plays to B who plays back to A who plays directly to C supported by B who plays directly to A and repeat. Blue player is a passive defender. Rotate defenders after each rotation.


1. Defender becomes active and puts pressure on passer

Key Possession Principles:

1. Communication/Eye Contact

2. Angles (in front, behind, beside)

3. Distance (near, far & wide)

4. Support the man

5. Support the ball - Players receiving the ball should arrive as the ball arrives not be standing as the ball gets into their feet.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Final Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Final Game
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Final Game (15 mins)


6 v 6 SSG; 2-1-2 with goalies

Rules of soccer apply

Focus on key Possession principles for the game

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