Football/Soccer Session (Advanced): Playing with a Number 9 in a 4-3-3

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Paul Musacchio
Name: Paul Musacchio
City: Manchester
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm up
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Warm up (10 mins)


16 players, 12 balls, 6 poles

Split in to 2 groups of 8.


Striker (B) goes away, then comes short for ball from midfielder (A), lays off to an angle for A and then spins out to receive through ball and clip into goalkeepers hands.

Players should vary between moving right and left.

Rotation - A to B, B to C and C to A with ball doing some dynamic movements.


1. Instead of arcing runaround poles, B drops off at an angle to play 1-2 through poles for A to run on to.

2. Players can use either option (Improves awareness and communication).

Coaching Points

Players should arc run to make sure they stay onside by not going beyond the poles before through ball is played.

Weight of pass.

Communication - Verbal and visual.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): GR Striker 4-3-3

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): GR Striker 4-3-3
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GR Striker 4-3-3 (20 mins)


16 players, 2 yellow goalkeepers, 3 red, 3 blue, 8 orange.

Supply of balls in each goal.

Area - Width of 18yd box to the back of the centre circle, with flat discs marking half way line.

Set up with a goalkeeper in each goal 2 red defenders and a blue striker in one half and a goalkeeper, 2 blue defenders and a red striker in the other half (players must stay in that half).

Orange neutral players line up at the half way line, 4 on each side.


Ball starts with goal keeper and play 3 v 1 to get ball in to neutral wingers in attacking half.

When a team has possession 2 neutral players join in the attacking half.

As soon as goal is scored / ball goes out of play / possession is lost, the neutral players leave the area and join queue again.

Offside rule applies.

Let them play for a minute or so and then go in and show 1st option (striker into channel).

Try that for a few attacks and then show 2nd option (winger across the face run).

Defenders are passive while going through the options.


1. Defenders no longer passive, although must remain goal side until ball is played forward.

2. Add centre midfielder for each team (can go in either half).


Be positive.

Ball forward with pace.

Option 1 - Striker makes run into channel for ball down outside.

Winger opens body up with first touch.

Wingers touch triggers strikers movement and arcs run into channel behind covering derfender.

Winger plays into space for strikers run and continues run in to box.

Weight of pass.

Timing of run.

Opposite winger should get into box for cut back.

Option 2 - Winger across the face run

Winger takes positive 1st touch inside.

Striker should keep high line.

On wingers touch the striker checks away before showing for ball.

Winger drives inside before playing ball to striker and then arcs run across face fo receive for strike on goal.

Striker should hold ball up and set winger for shot.

Weight and timing of pass.

Striker should follow in for any rebounds.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): CG Striker 4-3-3

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): CG Striker 4-3-3
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CG Striker 4-3-3 (20 mins)


16 players, 8 red, 8 blue.

Supply of balls in each goal.

Set up with 5 v 3 in each half.

Half way line marked with flat discs.


Team with ball plays without keeper to make 5 v 3, defending team drop a player back in goal.

Defenders passive till 1st touch.

One player from team in possession can cross half way line to create 4 v 4 + Gk. As soon as goal is scored or possession is lost that player should drop back to own half.

Offside rules apply.


1. Defenders no longer passive till 1st touch.

2. Designate a goalkeeper and play Gk - 4 - 3 and take out half way restriction.


Team in possession create width, striker stays high and central while play develops.

Supporting player should give depth to the attack.

Strikers movement determined by first touch of wide player.

Timing of runs.

Weight of pass.

Type of finish.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Phase 1 Striker 4-3-3

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Phase 1 Striker 4-3-3
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Phase 1 Striker 4-3-3 (20 mins)


16 players, 8 red.1 yellow Gk, 6 blue. 1 orange

Play half field, with goal set up at the back of the centre circle.

Red team set up as 2 - 3 - 3, blue team as Gk - 4 - 2 with neutral target man playing over half way line. Neutral will also restart play..


Neutral player always restarts play by playing into red team. Play for a few minutes looking for coachable moment to go in and show first option and alternative.

Blue team score by getting ball into goal at the centre circle or by hitting the target man over the half way line.


Ball played out to winger who opens body and plays ball into the channel for the striker and arcs run inside to provide support.


IF the full back has denied the space to play down the line THEN winger turns inside and keeps possesion (striker can recognise this and check run).


Striker stays central as play develops (within width of 6yd box).

Wingers create good width.

1st touch down line

Timing/angle of run.

Weight of pass.

Type of finish.

Be patient to draw defending midfield players out to create space.

Defensive line not too deep.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Phase 2 Striker Play

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Phase 2 Striker Play
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Phase 2 Striker Play (20 mins)



Ball played out to winger who takes a positive 1st touch inside, drives infield and passes into striker, winger continues run across the face of striker to open up angle for a shot on goal.


IIF the shot is not on THEN winger should play ball out to opposite winger to maintain possession and keep the attack going.


Midfield 3 should be patient and look to draw out the 2 blue midfielders.

Wingers give good width.

Ball moved quickly to winger.

Positive 1st touch inside (Which also triggers overlapping run).

Striker movement to create space.

Ball played into striker with pace.

Strikers 1st touch (protect ball) and lay off into wingers path.

Winger should communicate when/where ball to be played (verbal/visual)

Type of finish.


Defending team sitting off of the play and not allowing any space centrally.


Award the blue team double for winning ball back in the middle 1/3 of the park and scoring(marked with poles outside pitch - shaded area) as this will hopefully bring defensive midfielders out to win the ball higher up the park.

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