Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Defending - 2v2, 3v3 (Start Time: 2024-02-26 22:00:00)

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Norman Noonan

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Norman Noonan
Name: Norman Noonan
City: DunLaoghaire
Country: Ireland
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Defending 2v2 and 3v3

Introduction and Objectives - session plan to focus on defending 2v2 and 3v3, to practice defending together in 2s and  also 3s, to deter and delay attackers, to decide when to press and to start an attack when win the ball back.

Equipment - Bibs, balls and cones and small goals (if available)

Organisation -  20x45 area - smaller than half pitch to encourage engagement and intensity, can adjust

Warm up, Fundamental practice 1v1, Squad practice - starts 2v2  and progresses to 3v3, 6v4/5 game to finish ( 4 defenders)

Warm-up - S&C - squats, dynamic stretching

Fundamental Practice - 1v1 defending body stance, when to engage/press, trigger points, don't over commit

Squad Practice - 2v2, press and cover, 1st defender and 2nd defender roles, shift as ball is rolling, stay compact,  don't allow attacker in behind ,communication between the 2 defenders - Progression: 3v3 press, cover and balance, 3rd defender balances, when to engage, communication between 3 defenders

Game 6v4/5 - half pitch, 6 playing out with GK, 4 defenders and a No.6 - 4 or 5 attackers looking to attack wide and switch the play - over-laps if possible

Total time 60 minutes

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm-Up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm-Up
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Warm-Up (10 mins)

Method: Players in 2s ( 3s will work also )  - stretching hams and quads to start, into ankle tag and then  jog in co-ordinated lines, sideways , backwards, squatting

10 minutes

Coaching Points: 

plyometric  - movements with focus on the squat for the "jockey position" when defending later in the session

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Fundamental Practice 1v1 Defending

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Fundamental Practice 1v1 Defending
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Fundamental Practice 1v1 Defending (15 mins)

Method: Fundamental 1v1 Practice

Red passes and moves, Blue receives and dribbles forward and attempts to get past Red to score in the mini goal ( or gate)

-if defender wins it, transition to attack and try to score - max 60 sec per engagement, then next blue passes out to Red

2 columns lines )  or more if squad size is large

with 2 column/lines, 

players move to next line over and attack/defend

15 minutes 

Coaching Points: 

Close down the player fast, 

assess opposing players touch, 

bad touch , try and nick the ball

good touch, put brakes on, don't overcommit, jockey, boxer stance, side on

body position -shoulder and forward foot, arm/hand out,  show attacker the wing

deter, defer, delay -  engage and worry the player

Trigger points - Bad touch, engage attacker fully by half-way ( 3rd button cone), 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 2v2 Squad Practice

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 2v2 Squad Practice
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2v2 Squad Practice (20 mins)

Method: players working in pairs, 2 blue defenders play into 2 Reds, Reds attempt to score in the blue goal, blue defenders engage when ball enters their half

 20 minutes in total 

Coaching Points:

Communication between defenders

Player nearest the ball  is the 1st defender

Close down player fast, assess opposing layers touch, bad touch then try to nick it

put brakes on, side on, boxer stance,

2nd Defender - provides cover 

2v2 defending

Communication - who's doing what - call it outloud

Press and Cover, 1st and 2nd defender different jobs, 

don't cross over, 

scanning -  aware of goal, 2nd defender

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3v3 Progression

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3v3 Progression
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3v3 Progression (15 mins)


Players now working in 3s

(Move from 2v2 to 3v3 after 10 mins)

 Coaching Points: 

Defenders compact, in line of the goal/player, aware of each other

Press, cover and Balance, 1st, 2nd and 3rd defender different jobs

Communication - who, what why ?

Scan, aware, move as the ball is rolling

Trigger - when to engage, half way line, bad touch

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Press, Cover and Balance

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Press, Cover and Balance
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Press, Cover and Balance


Coaching Points:  (Blues) Press Cover and Balance

compact, no gaps

different jobs for each defender, changes when ball moves

protect space in behind

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game 6 v 4

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game 6 v 4
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Learning Objectives


Game 6 v 4 (20 mins)


6 Reds defending vs 4(or 5) Blues - Blues score into the Blue goal, Reds score by passing to their No.6 through either button gate, game continues and Red No.6 passes straight to a Blue player

Red goals count double if they get an overlap or a 1-2 setup for the shot

15 minutes - 3 x 4 mins periods

Coaching Points:

Play, coach, play - look for press/cover/balance

Call out key points in the play - defenders working together

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