Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Sample session: Finding the free/isolated player (Start Time: 2023-01-17 13:40:00)

Profile Summary

Davis Legacy Legacy
Name: Davis Legacy Legacy
City: Davis
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Objective of the exercises is the promote players to find the free player when in possession. 

Movement/positioning/recognition of pressure - space - time are key elements tactically. While good ball speed, receptions, speed of play are key elements technically. All while looking to make good decisions on and off of the ball. 

Scanning, checking, looking - WHEN WE CAN (all the time) 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 5v2 O-to-I Rondo

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 5v2 O-to-I Rondo
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5v2 O-to-I Rondo (25 mins)

Overload to isolate rondo

(3x90 seconds) x 2


5v2 (4v2+1 on far side)

10x16 (10x8-two zones)

Principles/actions to work or improve:

Shape(triangles/diamond) - positioning: height/width/depth central occupation

Introduction to principle of playing BEHIND opponent (direction)

Movement (on and off of the ball)

Options for player on ball

Optimize #'s up

Playing around OR through

Playing in different lines


Start of positional play and game moments

Overload to isolate- finding the free player (farthest)

Playing forward


Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4v1+2 : Playing away from pressure into open areas and joining

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4v1+2 : Playing away from pressure into open areas and joining
Save Image: Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4v1+2 : Playing away from pressure into open areas and joining Create Video:

4v1+2 : Playing away from pressure into open areas and joining (25 mins)

6v2 (sub-moment 4v1) 


-Having all of the players involved, before passing into the next open space/option. 

-Playing after 2 passes (manipulated)

-Playing whenever it on

-Whatever variation desired to get the actions and principles desired out of the exercise - tech/tac/phys/pysch

When it is free flowing and no restrictions, pass does not need to be right away. Decision made based on defenders pressure, and positioning, and which option is best based on vision and positioning.


-Movement to always be in line (vision of) with the ball.

-Movement in relation to the ball to be an option, especially for those not involed in the 4v0 (the +2)

-Firm passes, high ball speed, especially the longer services going into those new open spaces.

-Early body positioning, and being oriented to the direction we want to move/pass next.

-Moving to not be hiding behind a defender to be an option for player on ball, and open at the same time in the direction of the next space or option after receiving the ball.

Ways to accumulate points can be manipulated and adjusted by the coach/staff

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 6v6+ 5 Tourney

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 6v6+ 5 Tourney
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6v6+ 5 Tourney (35 mins)

6v6 +5 

Two teams inside 5v5+2GKs w 2 "free/isolated" players on the side of each goal, and one interior.

Looking to attack the opponent quick, and have good use of the ball. Players on the sides of goal, gives teams higher attacking options to play off of and join to go forward, to goal.

1pt- scoring in the normal run of play

2pts- if its 1 touch off of a free/iso player

Switch teams after 3 pts each game or 4 min.

Team with most wins, is champion.

***Penalties to break a tie

Scoring and time can be manipulated by the coach/staff.

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Repeat (toggle)
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