Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Working with Midfielders to Combine

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Am-Club: Illinois Youth Soccer Association

Rick Flores

Profile Summary

Rick Flores
Name: Rick Flores
City: illinois
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Grassroots Demo Session

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing and Receiving Pattern

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing and Receiving Pattern
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Passing and Receiving Pattern (10 mins)

Passing and Receiving Pattern with Combinations and be sure to switch D to other side to work on both feet and will be confusing at first

Player A passes to B and A give a long pass to player C who receives and quickly passes to do who passes back to Player A

Players will follow their pass as Player A goes to B and Player B goes to C and Player C goes to D and Player D goes to A

Coaching Points and Focus

Weight of Pass and Accuracy of Pass

Visual and Verbal Cues

Locking the Anklle and being prepared to receive the ball

Good first touch and opening up body to receive outside

Surface of foot and movement off the ball to check away and look over shoulder

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing and Receiving Pattern

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing and Receiving Pattern
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Passing and Receiving Pattern (10 mins)

Same Activity Pattern but adding a Wall Pass and Overlap

Player A passes to Player B who gives a wall pass and player A does the lonng pass to player C who does a pass back to Player A who give the ball to Player C in space who passes to player D and continues their run to do overlap around player D who gets the ball back and passes to player A.

Can modify the pattern to make easier and the ability of the players. After a few repeitions switch player D to work on both feet.

Coaching Points and Focus

Weight of Pass and Accuracy of Pass

Visual and Verbal Cues

Locking the Anklle and being prepared to receive the ball

Good first touch and opening up body to receive outside

Surface of foot and movement off the ball to check away and look over shoulder

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3 v 2 Activity

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3 v 2 Activity
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3 v 2 Activity (15 mins)

Set up small grid with goals on ouside and players need to dribble through to score

3v2 activity and set up 3 players on each end and alternate colors.

The player in the center will jog out to center and one of the two players with the ball on the outside will pass as the two players on outside of opposite grid will come out to defend

The player upon receiving the ball mades the decision to turn if space allows or connect with teammate who enters the grid.

Do the players work together on a 3v2 and create scoring chances with combinations

Coaching Points

Players receving the ball do they look over their shoulder

Good touch on receiving

Locking ankle for wall pass to connect with teammate

Movement off the ball wiith visual and verbal cues

Can players do wall pass or overlap

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4  v 4 plus 2 to Combine

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4  v 4 plus 2 to Combine
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4 v 4 plus 2 to Combine (20 mins)

Set up grid and break down in to 3 smaller grids

3v3 or 4v4 in center depending on numbers as players in the outside grid are target plyers

Set up 2 goals outside and players need to dribble through to score

Midfielders look to combine with targets on a combination or see if they are able to turn and take the space and connect with target

Coaching Points

Movement off the ball

Recognize where your teammate is to connect

First touch and weight of pass

Open up body to receive and control

Look over shoulder to see if you have space

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 7 v 7 Goal to Counter

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 7 v 7 Goal to Counter
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7 v 7 Goal to Counter (20 mins)

Goal to Counter setting up my attacking team with 1 neutral player starting the activity

Looking to build up play with 4 midfielders or going wide to create goal scoring opportunity

Looking for blue team to possess and combine to go to goal

Coaching Points

Verbal and visual cues

First touch and accurate passing

Movement off the ball

Looking over shoulder and creating space

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Final Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Final Game
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Final Game

Match 1-2-4-1 vs 1-3-3-1

Look for Freeze

Using the coaches toolbox for players not creating opportunities or connecting with the midfielders to build to create scoring opporunities

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